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NAVEED ENTERED THE waiting room, and the people seated inside stood up. "I've thoroughly reviewed the case," Naveed began, "and, as I mentioned earlier, surgery is the best option for his well-being."

Concerned faces turned to Naveed, and someone voiced their worry, "But what about the risks?"

Naveed offered reassurance, "While surgery does carry certain risks, the benefits far outweigh them."

"We trust you, Doctor. Let's proceed with what's best."

Nodding, Naveed exited the room and spotted Rafee nearby.

"Canteen," Rafee suggested.

Nodding in agreement, Naveed followed Rafee, aware that he couldn't decline now, especially when she is returning.

"Why did you decide to enroll in college when you're already so busy?"

Taking a bite of his food, Rafee glared at Naveed.

"You know very well why I joined college," Naveed replied, glancing at his wristwatch.

"Go home and rest. It's only 6 am, and your class is at 10," Rafee advised.

Raising an eyebrow, Naveed questioned, "But-"

"No 'buts.' I'll head to the airport. You don't need to worry. She's my best friend too," Rafee interrupted, chuckling when Naveed made a face at the term "best friend."

After finishing his meal at the canteen, Naveed made his way towards the parking lot. Just as he was about to slip into his car and drive off, a voice called out his name, causing him to turn his head in surprise. It was Zoya, his colleague from work, making her way towards him with a warm smile.

"Naveed!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she approached him.

"Hey, Zoya," Naveed greeted her back politely.

Zoya started talking , launching into a conversation about the hospital's recent projects and the challenges they were facing. Naveed nodded and offered a few obligatory responses.

As Zoya continued to talk, Naveed found it difficult to muster genuine interest. He occasionally glanced at his watch, subtly indicating his restlessness. Despite his subtle cues, Zoya carried on, seemingly oblivious to his lack of enthusiasm.

After what felt like an eternity to Naveed, Zoya finally paused and looked at her watch. "Well, Naveed, I won't keep you any longer. I'm sure you have things to do," she said, giving him a friendly smile.

Naveed sighed in relief , "Yeah, I do need to get going. Have a good Day."

With a slightly disappointed smile, Zoya bid him goodbye and watched as he got into his car and drove away.

"Sehrish, come quickly! We're running late," Mashael called out urgently, hurrying towards the scooty. She heard Sehrish respond with a casual "coming."

While Mashael hung her bag on the scooty, she suddenly heard a voice behind her.

"Good morning," the voice greeted.

Startled, she turned around and groaned in frustration upon seeing the person in front of her. "Amaan, you scared me."

"Hehe, sorry, sorry, Bea- I mean Mashael," Amaan quickly apologized, his word shifting as he noticed Mashael's intense glare.

"Are you heading to college?" he asked, his grin wide.

"No, I'm actually headed to hell. Interested in joining?" Mashael muttered, internally annoyed at Sehrish's tardiness.

"Of course, I'd go anywhere with you," Amaan replied playfully, earning a glare from Mashael.

"Cut out the cheesy lines. I warned you already, they won't work," Mashael said with a sigh of relief as Sehrish finally arrived.

"Sehrish, if we're late today, I'll give you a beating," Mashael warned. Sehrish simply shrugged.

"Hey, Amaan. here to wish Mashael a good morning, I see," Sehrish smirked, laughing as she watched Amaan blush.

"Sehrish," Mashael warned, and Sehrish took her seat on the scooty, not wanting to deal with an angry Mashael.

"Our Mashael has a secret admirer," Sehrish teased. Mashael glared at her through the scooty mirror, speeding off, saying, "Shut up, I have no interest in love or any of that."

"I just want to become a successful surgeon. I don't want to waste my time on all this," Mashael added firmly.

"Well then, find someone mature, intelligent, responsible, and helpful with your studies," Sehrish suggested. Mashael looked confused and asked, "Who are you talking about?"

"Only one person fits that description-Dr. Naveed Khan," Sehrish said.

Hearing this, Mashael abruptly hit the brakes, startling Sehrish. "Mashael, what are you doing? Are you trying to get us killed?" Sehrish exclaimed, placing a hand on her chest.

" Then stop your nonsense! He's our professor now, you idiot," Mashael scolded, shooting a glare at Sehrish, who muttered, "Only for a few months."

"Shut up!"

Sehrish raised her hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, just kidding."

Meanwhile, Mashael's mind drifted to the incidents of the previous day. "I'll thank him properly today," she thought.

"Look, we're late because of you," Mashael extended her hand to Sehrish, pointing at her wristwatch that displayed "10:05."

"Now, who's wasting time? Let's go!" Sehrish grabbed Mashael's hand and dragged her towards the class. Mashael looked at Sehrish in disbelief.

As they were about to enter the class, they heard a stern voice.

"You're late. Don't bother entering the class," Naveed stated, his hand in his pant pocket.

"Sir, it's only 5 minutes," Mashael said.

"Whether it's 5 or 50 minutes, it's a matter of discipline," he sighed, making Mashael look at him incredulously. She gritted her teeth in annoyance, muttering under her breath, "I was planning to thank him, and he-"

"Sir, please. We'll keep that in mind. Let us in," Sehrish pleaded, even though she was secretly relieved that she didn't have to attend the class. She knew that if Mashael didn't attend the class, no one could save her from Mashael's wrath.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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