I'm Still Alive

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So I've been gone for a long while so here are some updates and stuff:

Third: I beat the fanboy (mentioned in a rant way back) in Spit (card game) today and I feel so accomplished because he's like super good at it so yay
LAST: New Video I've spent like 6 months making! Now, I know a lot of you ship Harmony, and I honestly think they're very cute together, and please so don't be preasured to change your ship if you ship something but Romione. We all have our own opinions. Idk if the video loaded so forgive me if you don't understand. Just in case, here,s the link: https://youtu.be/ETP7sM1Jo4Y

Now, I was reading through some of the comments on the opinionated "rant" I did on abortion, and I saw lots of you say "well pro life unless rate!!" Well I'm here to clarify that Pro-Choice does not mean Pro-Abortion! NO NO NO NO NEVER! Pro choice means that the person carrying the baby should decide what they want to do with the baby, and not people who aren't going to go through the pain. Little diagram above. That's all I gotta say thanks.

Rant: (a little foolish but whatever):
Wasps. CAN WE ALL JUST AGREE THAT WASPS ARE RHE LITERAL SPAWN OF SATAN PLEASE?! Like, bees I don't mind, but like wasps are just so annoying and scary. And that,s coming from someone who is afraid to hurt insects.

Rants 2:
Severus Fucking Snape, Draco Malfoy, and J.K Rowling:

So I've deleted my other two rants: one was pro Snape, and one was against Snape. And I have concluded:

I love his character, but if I ever knew someone like that in real life, I'd hate him with my last living breath.

I love his sass. I hate his way of treating children. I love what he said in DH, and this always gets me, rather than the "Always" quote these days, "you were raising him like a pig for slaughter." That was the one that really got me because although it seemed cruel, it was true. Poor Harry was just a pawn for the big game.

Of course, every character made mistakes, and is ultimately problematic, and I can see where pro-Snape people are coming from. On the other hand, Draco Malfoy, "the boy who made all the wrong choices" sacrificed too. Just because Draco didn't die like Snape, doesn't make him less of a redeeming character, and this is why I don't like J.K Rowling. She says that Draco fan girls are gross for liking Draco because of his "bad boy" quality, while she romanticizes Snape, a character who's very simillar!

I've actually disagreed with J.K a lot actually. I still love her to death, her stories and writing has shaped my life, but I think I just dislike the fact that she doesn't like people having different opinions on things about her books. Like if someone says that they didn't,t really see the Dumbledore being gay thing coming, she could' so calmly said, "well, I didn't really provide lots of evidence of why he could actually have been gay" but nope! She replies with a sassy comeback like "well because gay people look like normal people?"

Now, I have nothing against LGBTQA+ at all, and I can see where she's coming from, but she should also consider the fact that she gave very little evidence on how Dumbledore could've been gay!

And the things she says about Draco fan girls just make me so sad because I'm sorry J.K, but THE BOOKS BELING TO THE READERS.

But I still love her, and look up to her, and she totally deserves the life she leads today. So please, I do not want comments like "But she did blah blah blah" I'm very strong with this argument and I'm not changing my opinion, so please don't do that.

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