Reasons Why I'm a Fail (yay!) and A Rant

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If you still don't get the reference, I suggest you go watch Danisnotonfire. Now. ALL HIS VIDEOS. Because he's amazing. And AmazingPhil while you're at it. P L E A S E TELL ME YOU'VE AT LEAST HEARD OF THEM BEFORE.

Anyway, getting back to why I'm a fail:
I just wrote a three pages speech on why Fanfiction is literature IN PAPER AND PENCIL, to find out that the speech should be less than 2 minutes and is due next week. Not Monday. Fûck my life.

Also: #FirstWorldProblems

Because I know there are better issues that are more devastating than me wasting three hours writing, editing, and proofreading an essay that won't be graded. Oh and did I mention I just ripped the essay and threw i out because I was so mad at my self? Yup. Good Job me!

Now I have to magically rewrite the speech and shorten it, work on presenting it, (which I'll be horrible at obviously) and get a good grade on it. Somehow. But I have a week so yay!

Now for my rant:

So if you know me I'm real life, you know that I'm really creepy and awkward. And very passionate about some subjects.

Keeping that in mind, imagine me at a family event with cousins I didn't know I had. Yup. MegaFailLand!

So one of my cousins, a very distant one, was trying to make small talk, which I hate with a passion. Then she mentioned someng that I got so mad at, I actually thought that I was going to explode:

"I think that I'm totally like Katniss from the The Hunger Games. The Capitol sucks! And Peeta and Katniss are the only reasons why I'm watching the movies lol!"


First off, if you only read/watch something that is not in the romance genre just for the romance then please get out of my face before I punch yours. Look, I'm all up for cute ships, but I watch and read for the plot! Not the romance! Unless it's anything by Rainbow Rowel or any other romance author. Rainbow Rowel books are BÆ tho.

Next, I'm sorry to break this to you, but you're not like Katniss Everdeen. You may have similarities, but you can't be Katniss Everdeen. You're both the Capitol and Katniss. As far as I understand, The Hunger Games is about a teenage rebelion against a f*cked up government. It's about how a girl realizing that the things going on at that time is bad and decides to do something about it. It's not about romance.

We don't realize it, but we ARE the Capitol. What does the Capitol do? It glorifies bad things to make it seem like it's good. Sound familiar? Micheal Brown. Chapel Hill Shooting. North Korea.

The media, and probably a lot of the people who have read and/or watched The Hunger Games, focus on the romance of Katniss and Peeta rather than focusing on the lesson of the book and/or movie. We're as obsessed with looks, and money, and who end up with who just like the Capitol. Susan Collins wrote the book to make us think that "hey idiots! You are both Katniss and the Capitol! Look whT's happening to our society! Open your eyes!"

I just find it really ironic that the media is doing exactly what the Capitol is doing: Focupousing on TeamPeeta or TeamGale instead of Focupousing on the powerful badaśs female character.

Of course, we've all, felt overpowered and belittled like Katniss. But we've all been obsessed with looks and money like the Capitol. We're both! So please, don't say that you're all like Katniss and not at all like the Capitol, because that just proves that you have not learned anything from the books.

And a freaking make up line?! Seriously?

Just please, do yourself a favor and watch Ariel's video. She's one of my favorite people on YouTube, who actually makes me think about the things I think about. And I'm sorry if this rant offended any of you. I'm just saying.

Please tell me if the video didn't load. Also...

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