To My Readers

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1: Some of the content in this book will probably be from tumblr because I'm not that creative.
2: Please note that there might be curse words in here. Not racist ones though because I don't believe in racism.
3: I will rant. And I will get mad. So warning: I have my opinions.
4: To people who think I'm some idol or something:

Listen, I'm just like you. I have an Internet connection, I'm lazy, I'm hungry all the time, I'm human. I appreciate the thought, but I don't want to become an idol because some of you who look up to me are far older than me. I'm just like you, except I just type up my rants and fandom thoughts instead of forgetting them. I just think that I don,t deserve to be a role model because it just doesn't feel right. Some, of you are older, smarter, and wiser, and I'm just a little girl who thinks she works at the Ministry of Magic. And you know what? Be your own idol because your worst enemy is yourself. You want to get better than yourself. So don't compare yourself to people like me, or your own age because you need to get ahead of yourself.

You're your own role model.

5: I deleted 'Casted Away' because I just lost inspiration. But allyy_g has he version so you can check that out!
6: I'm not going to number my chapters anymore because laziness.

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