Tips + Rants + Cliches in Writing

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Here are some of my tips and suggestions on writing, because I have nothing else planned for this book, and will probably end it soon! It's not you guys or anything, it's just, I have many other things that I have to attend to, and I don't have a lot of time for his book anymore. Anyway here we go for epic randomness again, what else is new?

-: How do I make my characters 3 dimensional?

-Avoid all clichés. You can use one or two, but try to avoid a lot of it. And remember, show, not tell. If you want to have a really badass character, then show that through their actions. No offense, but I'm really tired of reading about main characters who seem weak at first and then they become strong at the end. Sorry, but that,s cliché to me now.
You know what, how about I just list all the clichés I'm sick off? I'm gonna try to stay np gender neutral here. Let's see if you guys agree:

-The author spends way too much time on describing the main characters eyes, mouth, nose, etc. Hey! Here's an idea, how about, instead of talking about how Crimson his/her/their eyes are, you talk about their tired looking smile? The black circles around their eyes? Maybe the first on their nose? I don't knew, anything but their eye color or their skin color? JUST A THOUGHT YOU KNOW.

-The character does not have to have a tragic past to be interesting! You can make a character interesting by maybe adding in everyday insecurities the character goes through. Like, her not looking pretty enough, or him being too skinny and short to fit the definition of a hero. Or a shy and insecure genderqueer character who is too afraid to tell their teacher to use they/them/ their pronouns! And the character does not need to have a mental illness! Stop romanticizing mental illnesses please!

-The main female character does not have to be strong. I repeat, the main female character does not have to be strong, badass, or anything close to that. She can be a character who is highly intelligent, but is very weak, and her intelligence can be her strength. Or a character like Mrs. Weasley, who genuinely cares and is still very strong, and she will do anything to protect her family. You know what, screw writing extra overly badass character, wrote characters who care, wrote about characters who will sacrifice their life for other people, write about characters who uses their silence as strength. For my goodness's sake, wrote character who are feminine yet strong.

A|N: I may or may not have a part two for this but tell me what you think!

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