Rant: Studying

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Okay so how exactly do you study for a state test? Like its so stupid because we only know that it's going to be around our reading level. That's it. I'm secretly hoping they give us excerpts from Harry Potter because then I could explain the theme and everything easily.

Confused? Let me explain: My state test (standardized testing) is tomorrow and I only studied the formulas for math. And tomorrow's the English test.

How the heck do I study for a test when I don't know what kind of genre it's focussed on? And then we have our finals too which are worse because all we've done in class is prepare for the state test.

Now this brings me to my a actual rant topic:

I'm horrible at studying. I get distracted. More so now that I got a bookshelf and I can't help but picking up one of my books and start reading.

Like it was only one book and then it's 2 AM and I'm reading the last book on my bookshelf. How did that even happen?!

And then of course there's Tumblr which try to stay away from because it's so distracting. (I follow a lot of fan art blogs and they're so good at making me stare at the characters. Especially the PJO ones. They have amazing fanart.).

See how I get distracted?! Like sorry, but that shirtless LEO Valdez fan art is too distractingly hot for me to handle.

Ok so now I'm gonna go and study. Sorry if I don't update for a while. The tests are TWO WEEKS LONG.


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