God, he's so annoying.

I turned the corner of the next hallway and was startled by the squirrel-like male simply standing against the wall.

"Jesus- You scared me." I jumped.

"O-oh! Sorry." He seemed startled like me.

"Did you uh.. did you hear any of that?" I looked everywhere but at him.

".. maybe." He replied while turning toward the direction I was walking.

For some odd reason, he walked alongside me. Shouldn't he hate me? Why was he so calmly talking to me as if nothing happened?

"Damn." I said back to him.

"Hyunjin.. what you said was good. I'm glad you did it." He softly reassured.

I looked at him with a slightly shocked face. I could tell this amused him by the soft chuckle that he let out.

"Look, I know things ended poorly and you guys aren't on speaking terms, but I know my best friend. Give him time and you'll probably be able to talk again. I don't things ended the way they were supposed to." He explained.

"So.. you don't hate me?" I asked.

"No, I don't hate you. I was furious when I initially found out what happened, but something about it didn't sit right with me. It just didn't feel... complete. I understand the confusion and emotions you went through when you went back and forth between him and your ex." He stated, making my head go down in shame.

"Hyunjin. You've already dealt with the regret and the shame, just focus on mending the bond. Felix loves you. And if you give him the reasons to forgive you, maybe your guys' love will end up stronger than your problems. It doesn't justify what you did, but you can show him that you truly love him and you deserve that second chance if you try."

I felt moved by his words. To know that I had his best friends approval made me feel like I can really earn forgiveness. He knows Felix more than anyone. If anyone were to know if and how Felix forgives, it's him.

"Thank you, Jisung. It means a lot. I just don't when is the right time." I said.

"You'll know. Felix is easy to read, he'll open up eventually."

I nodded with a smile, feeling happy at the early encounter I had.

"Well this is my class, so I'd better go. I'll see you around, Hyunjin, don't give up just yet." He smiled and walked into the classroom.

I continued walking and thought over every detail of the conversation we just had.

Could I really pull this off?

Felix pov

"Lee Felix..?" My teacher hesitated as I walked in the door, likely trying to remember the students' names.

I nodded and she gave me a warm smile, gesturing me into the class. I exhaled and walked to my seat, feeling slightly down at the fact that I have no one to talk to in this classroom, unlike nearly everyone else.

Well, I would.. but not anymore.

After a minute, I somehow just knew when he walked in. Goodness, he is so beautiful. Part of me wishes I could still tell him that everyday. As he walked in, he brushed his hair back with his fingers and moved to his seat. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Yes, he broke my heart, but he is still just as captivating.

I suppose he felt my gaze and returned it, making eye contact as he walked by me. Once it settled in us both that we were looking at each other, we hesitantly looked away. He quietly cleared his throat and sat down behind me. I felt my cheeks go red and my heart sting at the fact that I couldn't speak to him.

Another hour of sad, romantic, and awkward tension floating between us. I kept fidgeting in my seat, uncomfortable with the atmosphere. It made me feel nervous. Jittery. Flustered. I felt the acids in my stomach begin to churn and flip, signaling my nervousness.

'No, Felix. You can't show your weak side.' I told myself, refraining from excusing myself or showing my anxiety.

How I wish I could talk to him.

It's now been a week since school officially started, and the tension has only grown. Me and Hyunjin, somehow, coincidentally, managed to always cross paths in the hallway or bump into each other. Jisung tells me it's fate and a "sign", but I'm not sure Jisung has all the gears turning in his head properly.

I want to talk to him. But I just don't know how or when I can. What if he's over me? What if me forgiving him is only a road to another heartbreak? What if he just doesn't want to speak with me?

All of my doubts cause a puddle in my head that only frustrates me to the brim. It's hard to take a big step when you can't even properly walk.

Currently, I was walking through the lunch line, picking up the pig slop of a lunch they give us.
I've been eating in the music room, where it's vacant during the lunch periods. The music director is usually on his own lunch break, so he leaves the campus and comes back. It's peaceful, so I've eaten here, as I can't really find anyone I know in my lunch period.

As I ate the baby carrots that I grabbed for my lunch, staring at the floor, mind racing with thoughts of none other than him, the door creaked open. I panicked because I thought the music director had returned early, so I began to shuffle and pack up my stuff. Instead, when my eyes landed on the door, my heart dropped again.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone, Chan."


I know this chapter is kinda short BUT the juicy details are coming I promise. I wrote the majority of this chapter during school, so if there's any mistakes, I wasn't fully focused💔

Today was my first day of school😜
I'm a junior now💔

Omg slight age reveal🤝

With school starting up soon or now for many people, make sure you're taking care of yourselves first and staying healthy!! Love you all, have a great day!<3

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