Piccolo - The Namekian God

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Piccolo and Gohan stood over the broken and tore apart body of Cell Max in the Red Ribbon base ruins. Gohan's white hair flickered back to it's normal black state, contrasting next to Piccolo's bright orange skin. "Maybe I finally caught up to my dad." Gohan remarked, wiping sweat off his forehead.

"Yeah, we'll need all the power we can muster if Black Frieza tries to cause trouble." Piccolo said, turning around as he said it. He began to walk away but was cut off by a near-blinding flash of light, forcing their eyelids closed. When both of them opened their eyes and looked at what caused the burst of energy, they saw a bright figure. As the light dissipated further, they could make out what it was. It was a man with orange skin who stood above Piccolo, an aura of pure power radiating off of him.

"Y-your aura? Who are you?" Gohan asked, his eyes wide in shock. The man chuckled before Gohan's confusion.

"I am Namek, the Namekian God. The son of Zalama, the creator of the Super Dragon Balls. All Namekians descend from me, and you in a direct line. I have been watching you for a while now, Piccolo." he said, holding a staff with a red crystal at the tip.

"What have you came here for, my lord?" Piccolo asked, realizing that the person in front of him was the reason for his entire existence.

"As I said, I have been observing you and your power level. And you have been the first Namekian in thousands of years to unlock that orange form. Shenron may have allowed you to use it, but you still had the ability to do that. Go back to your Namekian roots. We Namekians originated from the Demon Realm, our skin colors being orange and red. But we grew away from that and left the realm, our skin gradually becoming green. You are one in a kind, Piccolo. You are the strongest Namekian. Ever. I am old, you see. Millions of years old. I wish for somebody to take my place, channel the powers of the Namekians, teach and train them, become the Champion of the Eternal Dragons. Become the Namekian God." Namek said, leaving Gohan and Piccolo standing there in utter shock.

"Do you really think I would be the person, my lord?" Piccolo asked. Namek simply nodded as a response. "I would be honored to undergo this transformation." Namek smiled before pressing his hand to his chest and extracting a giant ball of red and orange energy.

"I, Namek, the Namekian God, pass on my power, titles, and duties to Piccolo Jr. Let God Ki course through his veins and let the Eternal Dragons forever bless him." he simply said, pressing the ball of energy to his successor's chest. A giant burst of light consumed the both of them, it having flickers of red, orange, and green. A scream could be heard from inside the light and when it dissipated, Gohan stood there shocked.

Piccolo's skin was entirely red, a giant aura expanding around him. He had grown to about fifteen feet tall, a hulking mass of muscle. Namek was gone, nowhere to be seen. "We can definitely rival Goku and Vegeta now. What do you we give them a fight, go to their planet?" Piccolo prompted.

"Yeah, but how are we gonna get there?" Gohan asked, to which Piccolo just smiled.

"I'm a god, I can teleport whenever and wherever I want." Piccolo said before grabbing Gohan's hand and disappearing in a bright flash of light. They reappeared on Beerus' planet where Goku, Vegeta, & Broly were training with Beerus and Whis. They all stopped fighting to see the arrival of Piccolo and Gohan.

"What happened to you, Piccolo?" Goku asked, walking forward and inspecting his new form.

"I can give you all of the details later but after me and Gohan defeated Cell Max, a new and improved version of Cell, Namek, the Namekian God came to me and gave his power. So I am the Namekian God now." Piccolo explained.

"You WHAT?!" Beerus screamed, leaving Whis to let out a small laugh. Vegeta, Goku, and Broly's eyes all widened in shock as well.

"Me and Piccolo figured we would have a little sparring match, us two versus you three." Gohan eagerly said, grinning.

"Let's do this!" Goku exclaimed, always happy for a chance to fight strong opponents. "C'mon guys, don't be scared!" he said, waving over Vegeta and Broly who followed.

"3...2...1...Battle!" Whis counted down, eager to see how her students performed against a god. At the very start of the battle, Gohan powered up to his Ultimate Form while Goku and Vegeta both transformed into Super Saiyan God. Broly launched a punch right from the gate at Piccolo who simply grabbed his fist and pummeled him into a nearby boulder, stunning him for the time being.

Goku jumped to face Gohan, his red hair radiating with power. Goku launched a punch at his son but Gohan dodged it and delivered a swift uppercut to Goku's stomach, causing him to rear back in pain. Goku screamed and his hair turned blue and then a red aura appeared around him. Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x 20. Goku launched a blue Ki sphere at Gohan which he barely dodged but he couldn't do the same for the kick Goku followed up with, knocking him to the ground. He managed to stand back up but was instantly put back down by Broly who attacked him from behind in his Ikari state.

Meanwhile, Vegeta was fighting Piccolo. Vegeta charged forward and landed one punch on Piccolo's chest and tried to follow it up with another but was roundhouse-kicked to the ground. As he got up he screamed and his hair turned to a dark blue color, Super Saiyan Blue Evolution. "Galick Gun!" he shouted as he shot a ray of golden energy at Piccolo who appeared to just be stadning there. But as the light dissipated there was nobody there. Vegeta turned around only to see Piccolo right behind him, who cast a hard punch right into Vegeta's solar plexus, knocking him out.

Piccolo turned now over to Goku and Broly who were standing around Gohan's weakened body. Piccolo tapped into his mind, reviewing all the knowledge he had from Namek and the others he had fused with. One final form. Only able to be accessed by the Namekian God. Piccolo tapped his finger to his forehead as his body changed and his aura expanded tenfold. His skin was red, orange, and green. Resembling all the forms of Namekians throughout all of time. Once again, Broly leapt first, only for Piccolo to punch him while he was still in the air, knocking him down as he did last time.

"Let's make this fight even better." Beerus said. "Give them full energy, Whis." he demanded, eager to see which team would come out the victor.

"As you wish my lord." Whis said as he cast his staff over them, sending a bright blue light which caused everybody to get to their feet. In the moments after the blessing of energy, three screams could be heard. One from Gohan, his hair turning white as he transferred into his Beast state. One from Broly, his hair longer and bright green, as he accessed Legendary Super Saiyan 2. And one from Vegeta, his hair purple as he was accessing Ultra Ego. But the most intimidating was Goku who looked like he was in base with a very slight aura, just standing there. True Ultra Instinct.

"Now this is a real battle!" Beerus cheered, watching from the sidelines, clapping. Gohan surveyed the scene, detecting that Broly was the weakest out of them, so he launched an attack at him. With his superior speed, he was able to land a flurry of punches on the Legendary Super Saiyan. Finally, he channeled all of his Ki into one attack and punched Broly in the chest with all of his might, sending him into the realm of unconsciousness as he slumped on the ground.

In an instant, Vegeta ran over to where Gohan had just defeated Broly and struck him with a powerful sidekick, knocking him to the ground. Gohan quickly got up, dodging a punch as he did and punched Vegeta in the side, knocking him off balance which gave him a chance to elbow him in the ribs, sending him to the ground. During the motion of the punch, Goku had started running over and by the time Vegeta was falling down, Goku punched his son in the ribs. Gohan tried to respond with a kick but Goku's legs moved and dodged with a literal mind of their own, allowing for Goku to get a good side shot, causing Gohan to collapse. Goku stared down Piccolo as they were the only two left.

"KAME-HAME-" Goku began but he was cut off by Piccolo teleporting to him just before he shot. Goku looked surprised and stopped the ray last second but didn't have time for his body to even see Piccolo, getting a bone-crushing hit on his blindside. Goku tried getting back up but the Namekian God kicked him in his chest, knocking him out cold.

He powered down to base as he was the last man standing on the battlefield. The Namekian God.

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