Chapter 13 • Stage Two

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(A/n: okay so not going to lie I totally slept wrote and read that whole last chapter... I had a hard time writing it, so I kinda gave up, but this one will be much better. I hope.)


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"Thanks dad" I say thinking about how my car was in the shop after my drive home from the restaurant. Somehow I popped a hole in my tire, and then the windshield cracked... I don't wanna talk about it...

It was a true nightmare for me to have to run around everywhere. Thankfully dad was kind enough to offer me a ride to Cobra Kai, even if he didn't like it.

"Really? Cobra Kai?" Dad takes a minute to put the vehicle in park, and glare up at the sign on the front door.

"You know it?" I ask suspiciously as I watch his change in expression.

"Missy you need to get out of it now!"

"Why?! I thrive here dad!"

There's a pause between us, like time suddenly froze. Neither of us knew what to say, but dad was holding something back. What does he know about Cobra Kai!?

"I thought you were cool with this..." I sighed, dropping my bag to the floor.

"I'm not cool with you being apart of Cobra Kai."

"Well it's too late. I've been training here for months now." I say as I opened the door, ignoring whatever my dad had to say next. I didn't even give him a chance to explain, as I closed the door on him.

These days, it feels like I'm having to close the door on a lot of people lately.

In defeat my dad turns the engine back on and slowly pulls out of the parking lot, giving up on trying to convince me to go back home.

I was right though, it was too late. I had invested so much of my time, I wasn't just about to take it all back! I was now determined to get better, and be better.

Aside from all of that, I noticed there were new kids standing outside waiting for sensei to open the doors. They had no idea you could just walk in, as we knew Johnny was always for the most part early.

I also noticed my friends turn the corner. There was Miguel and Eli walking side by side. Once they saw me, Eli's expression suddenly turned cold where as Miguel was just confused.

Damn... he was still mad at me over the whole all valley thing. I should've listen to myself when I said I'd keep mouth shut.

"Looks like we got some new students" Miguel points out what I've been thinking for the last few seconds of standing here.

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