Chapter 11

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*Hello... its been a long time. But ill try to get back to this soon, for now this is what I have to offer lol. sorry its short.*

Sunday had finally arrived, and it was all Y/N could think about since Friday. She was ecstatic about how amazing her night with Lily was. She was starting a friendship with a girl who she had known for years, yet never could she have guessed they would become so close. Throughout Saturday, the girls had spoken more and more, mostly Lily getting her feelings out about James, since her house friends, who she had known for a long time, would tease her every time she even mentioned him.

Y/N was Lily's escape, a way to release all her inner thoughts and feelings without the judgement of others, and Lily could tell she would listen to her for hours if she spoke. The other had grown really fond of Lily and it was common knowledge, to everyone who ever spoke to the girl, that she preferred listening to others, show them she was there for them to put their trust into and not worry about it being broken, she was glad she was finally being able to do that for someone.

However, Lily would make it her intention to speak of Sirius around her, and try to include him in most conversations as seemingly as possible. And although Y/N wasn't sure she even had feelings for him, the mere thought that he saw her with those eyes made her blush, and Lily took notice of that.

So, on Sunday morning Lily made sure James knew where she was headed at night, and who she was meeting up with, in hopes that the boy with glasses wouldn't be able to hide it from the remaining marauders, which would lead them to show up at their secret location. She knew they had access to it, now she just had to wait.

While the plan was in action, Y/N, who had no idea what was coming her way, made her way to the library, she had a muggle book she intended to read, and although she planned on reading it sooner or later, Sirius recommending it to her, during Muggle Studies that week, definitely sped up that process.

But she forgot one thing, or one person actually, the only other person who would be at the library on a Sunday afternoon, Remus.

There he was on the chair he used to sit at, the one she hadn't seen him in since before camp, the one she hoped would be empty until she could get over him. There he was, and there she was gripping onto the book that suddenly couldn't keep her thoughts on the long dark haired boy she was beginning to feel something for.

Remus looked at her, he realised her shocked eyes and tried to shoot her a small smile, to which she only turned and headed to her usual seat. He missed seeing her in that spot, where the sun would occasionally hit the window and softly reflect on her face. Her expression made it seem as if she was inside the book, but with the thin layer of light he felt as if he wanted to jump into the book just to experience that moment with her.

Remus couldn't do it, he couldn't just sit there and stare at her, but he also knew he wouldn't be able to focus on his book so he stood up and left. He could swear he heard the girl exhale as he headed towards the door but he wouldn't dwell on that thought.

Not yet at least...

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