Chapter 8

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She was finally free from all her first-day duties. Honestly, she was exhausted, she had never felt this tired and being a prefect definitely wasn't helping her in any way. At least she managed to get Isaac to do her night duties for the week, so that meant she wouldn't need to spend her first nights back guiding lost first years back to their common rooms after curfew, and she was happy about that but for some reason she couldn't express it, only being able to think about sleeping. So she did, and at the end of the week she started feeling like herself again, she even started studying in the library again on Thursday she sat down and opened a book and all came back naturally, it was like she was in her third year again.

However before that happened, the original reason for her to be at the library was completely different. Se had realised a certain werewolf was avoiding her at all costs and she felt bad, maybe it was something she did, and he did seem a little lifeless for the last few days, so she wanted to find him. Hoping he would be at the library like he always was, she went there, only to find his usual seat empty so she stayed and studied, mostly to forget him as he had forgotten her.

Now it was Monday, her first day in curfew duty, the thing she had been avoiding since her first week as a prefect a year ago. It was just so unlike her, who cared it seventh years were eating each other's faces after dark and why did she have to stop them? She didn't enjoy it, to say the least. Isaac had already reminded her of her night's plans during breakfast, only to be met with a sad and annoyed face from the girl. She didn't even need to reply, he already knew she remembered. He was just trying to annoy her for the hell she had put him through in the past week, but he regretted it as soon as he saw her reaction, leaving her to go back to his friends.

Friends. First week back and none of those yet, it was starting to get sad how she promised herself this was the year for friends. It was perfect, she would only have to take her NEWTs next year, so she had all this free time to spend with people. Slowly she was starting to lose hope in friendship, maybe she would just start studying early.

The first day on curfew duty was a disaster. She ran into five lost first years and two snogging couples. All of which she had to awkwardly walk back to their dorms. Although, she was kind enough to give them a warning and not punish them. As if that mattered to her, they were just having fun. She wanted some fun, so she did what she used to at camp. Drink.

She headed to the kitchens —a Hufflepuff's second common room. The kitchens had a small sitting area with two couches and two armchairs, all facing a small coffee table in the centre. All the furniture was yellow, along with the walls, probably due to it being a place where Hufflepuffs would often visit

To her luck it was empty, so she sat there and asked the elves if any of the teachers kept alcohol hidden in there. To her luck, the kitchen elves took a liking to her and told her everything, from how Dumbledore kept some muggle beverages hidden there to how Slughorn once bought about 15 bottles of fire whiskey and hid it in a fake cupboard.

She found her victim. Professor Horace Slughorn, Potions. He liked her, always called her a bright witch, and had a stash so big that he wouldn't realise any went missing. At least not for today, she would have to replace it eventually. That night, after the chaotic and embarrassing night she had, she spent the few hours she had left drinking and laughing at stories the elves told her. Maybe those could be her friends, that was the last thing she remembered before her eyes got heavy.

"Miss. Miss. Miss.Y/N. Wake Up!" She jumped up at the squeaky voice telling her to wake up. Oh, Godric. This is bad. She spent the whole night here. In this tiny yellow couch in the kitchens. It was only her second week, she had to be on time. She hurried to find a clock, only to find she only had 20 minutes to get to class. Apart from that, she had a huge headache, a hangover.

She jumped up and left, after saying goodbye to the elves and taking a ham and cheese toastie they had made for her. She ate on her way to her common room. She took a shower and tried as hard as she could to get rid of the ringing in her head, or at least the dark bags under her eyes, but no spell could work and she had 5 minutes left. She got her stuff and ran as fast as she could through the busy hallway, only to bump into someone.

"sorry, didn't mean to, I'll be more careful next- " she slurred on her words trying to get out of there quick. Only stopping when she looked up to see who she bumped into.

"No worries Badger, I don't mind. I love running into you, just not used to seeing you in such a hurry" The boy said. It was Sirius, she really didn't want to see him just yet as she had a feeling she would be seeing him later on in the week during her night checks, and he reminded her of a certain Gryffindor who she felt confused about lately.

She tried to get out of there but he put both his hands on her shoulders "and I'm really not used to seeing you like this. You look like you had a fun time last night, eh, little badger" He said with his cocky attitude and a confident smirk, what he didn't expect was for her eyes to start welling up, she was desperate.

"I'll tell you what Y/N, I was bringing this over to a friend who also had a fun night, but it seems as if you might need it more than him" he handed her a small vial with a potion, the cure for all her problems. He had just made her day, her week! She didn't know what to say, so he kept speaking.

"Might as well teach him a lesson, he keeps doing this and no one sa-" he was cut off with her arms wrapping themselves around his torso.

"Thank you, Sirius. I am in debt to you. I have to go" she smiled as ran to her class, not before downing the liquid inside the vial. As she turned back to send him a wave she saw a goofy smile plastered on his face.

Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

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