Chapter 3

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Remus woke up at 8 am the next day, breakfast started at 9, so he decided to take a stroll around the woods he spent the night in. It was beautiful, the view, that is, he was starting to understand why the girl he got to know at night spent her birthday here. The girl. The girl he had been avoiding thinking about. He felt horrible about what happened. How could he just let his secret slip up like that? He didn't even know her for Godric's sake! But his thoughts kept making up excuses. She found out herself. The moonlight was affecting you. We were intoxicated. She probably forgot. Were all things the voices in his head told him, but he couldn't help but feel upset at the last thought. She probably forgot, those words shouldn't affect him as much as they were. What was he thinking? He spoke to her for the first time yesterday, sure he had seen her around, especially in the library. She was there almost every day, and he couldn't help but try to spend as much time in the library as possible, it was strange. It started the day he noticed her there. He went there before breakfast to look for a book for his assignment, it was 5 am and she was there, in a corner reading, he was amazed, it was hard to find someone who liked reading as much as he did, nevermind someone who liked it even more! After classes, he told his mates he would be studying at the library, since it was quieter than the common room. He lied, but they didn't notice, they believed this to be normal Moony behavior, until four weeks later, when James brought up how he was spending an awful lot of time in the library, Remus' cheeks immediately reddened and everyone noticed, but Remus dismissed it, saying the environment was better there, they decided to change subjects, but not before the three Marauders shared a glance.

Remus believed he had moved on towards the end of the year, it was the only option, he never even spoke to the Hufflepuff, but now he realized he hadn't, so he decided to do what he thought was right. He ignored her. It wasn't difficult though. Y/N seemed to be spaced out for the next two days. Which made it easier for Remus to get through the full moon, and the day after it. This was the only way to keep her safe.

Y/N remembered everything. She was devastated when she realized he was avoiding her. So she gave him space to sort out his head, but apparently, he didn't need time to think, because it had been three days and he hadn't even made eye contact with her, even though she felt him staring at her multiple times throughout the last days. So this was her last chance. He was leaving tomorrow, probably so he could go with the Potters, and Sirius, to the Hogwart express, and she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she didn't confront him and at least try to create a friendship with the young werewolf.

It was 2 in the morning and she was awake and focused on the book she was reading until she heard a noise outside her tent, when she looked out she found him on her log, their log now. This was it she thought, her chance. She snuck up behind him, but he turned as if he could tell she was coming. "I'm sorry" she started silently, he looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, "to be honest I don't really know what I did, but I keep thinking back to that night..." she sighed and sat down close to him, looking at the stars, the only thing comforting her enough to keep talking, "look, I have tried so many times to make friends, talked to so many people and none of that felt like it did with you that night, so, please don't start ignoring me, or at least tell me you don't want to be my friend so I can move on'', when he wasn't saying anything she looked at him, tilting her head slightly, "Y/N, I think... I mean... I don't-" he cut himself off with a loud groan, looking at her with with heavy eyelids "Just-" she stopped as soon as she realized he was looking at her lips, "Remus I-" and she felt him smash his lips against hers, she seemed to melt into him, his chocolate tasting lips, leaning forward to get close to him, to which he responded with putting a hand on her thigh, kneading it, while nipping at her bottom lip, the pleasure she felt from the pain made her let a breathy moan in his mouth. That seemed to snap Remus out of his trance, his eyes opened wide and he pulled away and stood up, looking at anything but her "I'm sorry... I just- I have to go" he said so quickly that the dazed girl only realized what he said when he was halfway to his tent, with his hands desperately running through his hair as if it would help calm him down.

"What the hell..." they both said to themselves at the same time.

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