Chapter 10

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It was Friday, and Lily had been searching for y/n every night during their shared shifts but she could never find her. Until she saw the badger slip into the kitchens that night so she followed her.

"y/n... what are you doing here" she said carefully, which didn't work because the girl still jumped at the sound of the Gryffindor's voice.

"Merlin Evans! Nothing, I was just gonna spend some time here, get away for a while" the redhead looked her in the eyes and saw a certain glint of despair so she nodded along with her excuse and proceeded to ask her a question that would set her plan off.

"Well I can see you are quite tired, do you mind if I keep you some company?" she said in an insecure tone, hoping the other would accept her presence.

The badger thought for a while before answering "Uhmm...I guess that's alright" but before Evans could even begin reacting she continued "However, I was hoping to enjoy my Friday with a few drinks, so if you wouldn't mind telling anyone..."

"I would never tell anyone, have you not noticed I hang around James and his dimwitted friends" she said and burst into laughter only to realize the girl, who was not sitting on the small couch in the kitchens, took a large swig of the bottle that appeared in her hands like magic. Lily soon connected the dots.

"I have a feeling you fancy one of those jerks" Lily looked straight into y/n's eyes in search of any lost or hidden emotions.

"Ugh... I mean- I don't know what you are talking about..." She couldn't know about her night with Remus could she? No there is no way...wait but what if he told his friends and James told her? Oh no, this is not what y/n wanted at all I mean he still hadn't even talked to her, why-

y/n's thoughts were soon cut off by the annoyed girl sitting in front of her who had now also gotten a bottle, along with some food.

"Come on y/n we all saw you and Black on Tuesday" she said with food in her mouth, slightly annoyed at the girl who she believed to be avoiding the question.

"Oh Sirius, yeah... he's alright, but he's just a friend though" she let the words run out of her mouth out of relief she wasn't talking about Remus.

"Does he know that?" Lily was not up and headed to grab more food as y/n laid on the couch and answered

"What do you mean, Lily?" She was now confused, did Sirius have feelings for her... she always thought he was just messing around when he flirted with her but this was new. She looked at the ceiling waiting for the other to get back from the pantry and reply, while she wondered if this could be a chance to move on from Re-

"I mean have you seen the way he stares at you during any class, he always has that dazed look in his eyes... and that stupid smile on his face. It's quite adorable actually, when James brings it up he always blushes" Oh no no no, y/n was conflicted now, two of the marauders! She couldn't even stop thinking about one how could she even begin thinking about Sirius, she had to deal with her feelings, but apparently not today because Lily soon saw her new friend staring at the roof and realized maybe this wasn't the best topic.

"So, is this where you've been the whole week during our shifts, I've been looking everywhere" At this y/n smiled and they began having an actual real conversation that both enjoyed more than they ever expected, but soon they heard the house elves making breakfast and decided to leave before a professor showed up.

"This was nice y/n, so you mind if I join you on Sunday again, I don't think I'll be alright to join you tonight?" Both girls giggled at that, stumbling out of the kitchens holding on to each other to not make too much noise.

"Of course, I want you there! I wouldn't want to spend it alone now would I?" after that, they parted, but y/n still smiled until she collapsed on her bed and dozed off, thinking about what they would talk about Sunday.

However, what would really happen she never even got close to imagining that night.

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