
The brunette stood up, clenching her teeth. "Save it," she mumbled, sniffling. "You don't have to explain yourself, I get it. And I'm sorry for eavesdropping," those were her last words before she hurried away.

Covering her mouth as she sobbed, Yeji ran through the halls with her head down, ignoring the calls from her dear Ryujin far down the hall from behind her. Everything was blurry, and she could feel her head pounding to the point where she couldn't hear anything. A lump had already formed in her throat, making her struggle even more to simply breathe. Why was this happening to her? In fact, what has she done to deserve all of this? First, Minju's confession that she had a crush on someone else, and now she hears that Ryujin was purposefully ignoring her?

'What an awesome fucking day.'

Sharply turning down a busy corridor, Yeji could feel the stares from other students. Paying them no mind, she dropped her hand and ran into the crowd, hoping to disguise herself as other people so Ryujin could give up on chasing her and attracting even more attention. But not even halfway through, she felt a firm hand on her arm, forcing her to turn around.

"Stop," Yeji choked out, her face was a mix of frustration, hurt, and fury. She yanked her arm away from Ryujin's grip. "Don't follow me, Ryujin. Just leave me alone."

With her heart aching and her gaze blurring, Yeji didn't notice how Ryujin blanked out when she turned to her, how she winced and momentarily held her head. She didn't even spare the girl a final glance before spinning on her heel, ignoring all the stares from the other students.

Her grip tightened on the tumbler in hand as she approached the class beside hers, a million things were happening yet she still entered the room, placing Ningning's tumbler on her desk while avoiding the girl's worried and sympathetic gaze. Yeji wiped her tears with the back of her palm once she exited the room, not even thinking about how strange it was that Ryujin wasn't following her anymore. She retreated to her own, empty classroom, and snatched her bag from her chair, swinging it over her shoulder.

Soon enough, Yeji had successfully fled the school, running to her house with nothing else in mind.

The journey home was a blur of tears, heavy breaths, and the sound of her own racing heartbeat. Yeji's vision was clouded by emotions she couldn't quite process. She stumbled into her room, collapsing onto her bed, burying her face in her pillow as the sobs racked her body.

'What did I even do?'


She remembers.

Ryujin remembers everything.

That headache in the middle of the hallway when Yeji had turned to her with a furious expression— it did it all.

And even though Ryujin was over the moon that she regained her memory, she didn't expect the soul-destroying headache that came with it. Which lead her here, sitting on a bed in the school nursery with water and pain-relievers beside her.

To say that she wasn't mentally cursing herself for all the things she had done when she was still suffering temporary memory loss was a complete lie. She actually couldn't believe what she had done to her relationship with Yeji over the past few weeks. There was no way she was that dumb.

Now that she remembers everything from when she was born to the current moment, she couldn't help but want to bang her head against the nearest wall. It didn't matter if she started bleeding from the head; she deserved it.

However, she couldn't do that, not when Minjeong was quite literally using every curse word in the dictionary to describe how stupid Ryujin was to ignore Yeji.

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