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chp. 1

Yeji stirred awake in her bed, kicking her blanket off her body as her alarm boomed beside her. She expressed her frustration by smacking where she assumed the device to be, only to hurt herself by missing it and slamming her palm onto the wooden bedside table.

She got up from her bed and turned off the alarm, stretching her arms as she yawned. There were definitely cracks that were heard.

Walking down the stairs after changing into her uniform, she adjusted the collar part of her shirt due to its uncomfortableness towards the nape of her neck. She didn't understand much of why the school demanded the students to wear uniforms, it wasn't like students were going to show up hooker-style.

Not hearing rustling or tap water running in the kitchen, Yeji concluded that her parents were already out and about, probably rushing to work even though they didn't need to.

She made herself some stomach stalling breakfast before striding out her door, and as soon as the heavy wind smacked her in the face, she felt her fatigue from seconds after she woke up revisiting. But now it was too late to back out.

It was the first day of senior year, the day where she actually looked forward to school since her last year of high school would start, meaning that after this hell of a year, she'd finally be free.

However, the hope she had had dispersed when she stepped foot into the dreadful school. All of a sudden, she wanted to walk back home and never come to school again.

While walking through the halls of what she would define as hell on earth, she noticed how many people were looking her way — or maybe, behind her.

But before she had turned around with her curiosity, she felt a hand on her left ass cheek, squeezing it before letting go.

Yeji felt all the blood in her body rush up to her head and her hands, turning around and ready to swing, and when she did, she spotted two figures.

One was a mischievous guy that had the ghost of a smirk on his face, black middle-parted hair that stopped at his eyebrows. He was standing just a few steps away from her. If it weren't for this situation, she'd probably find him a lot more attractive. Standing beside him was a girl who held as much — if not more — charm as he did, except she looked shocked and even frightened.

"Yeonjun, you son of a—" She looked at Yeji. "I'm so—"

And there she goes.

A kick to the stomach with all the strength she had, Yeji did that. Since the girl was much closer to her than the guy was, it was reasonable for her to assume that she did it, right?

Gasps filled the halls as the purple-haired girl collapsed on the ground, holding her stomach with her expression mirroring a guy who had gotten kicked in the nuts. It was quite funny to see for Yeji, actually. But since she had just been groped in the ass, she spent no time running out of there with embarrassment flushing her cheeks. She felt anger, and that would be an understatement.



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