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chp. 24

It wasn't a big deal, really.

That was what Ryujin tried to tell Yeji over and over during their car ride to the hospital. A headache passes, and it indeed pass, but Yeji was so set on checking it out for her that she wouldn't take a no for an answer. And even though Ryujin knew that it wasn't anything to fuss over, because the headaches were caused by her flashbacks, not something that would bother her immune system, she couldn't decide whether or not she should inform the brunette of the reasoning behind the occurrences.

Therefore, she was forced to remain silent, giving in to the persistent brunette who supposedly cared for her well-being. Not that she had any other choice anyway.

Feeling a sudden burn on her forehead, Ryujin flinched out of her thoughts, realizing that Yeji had smacked the back of her hand to her forehead.


Yeji flipped her hand and rested the palm on Ryujin's forehead for a few seconds, inhaling as she tilted her head in confusion. Then, ignoring the latter's reaction, she mumbled to herself. "You're not burning up..."

Despite her being fully aware that Yeji was talking to herself, Ryujin groaned and turned to face the other. "Why would I be? I told you that it was just a simple headache!"

"I know! But according to what you said earlier, it has been reoccurring for a concerning amount of times," Yeji explained, followed by a sigh. "Just a simple checkup, okay? If there's nothing wrong, then I'll drop it. Promise."

Ryujin puffed, knowing that she couldn't protest any further. "Fine. Stick to your word!"

"I always do," Yeji showed her tongue playfully, gaining a titter from the purple-haired before turning back to the road.


Arriving at the hospital. they navigated the bustling halls to the reception desk, and after a brief exchange, they were directed to a waiting area for the doctor's examination. Although Ryujin had faith and confidence that she would walk out of this building with the report from the doctor that nothing was wrong with her, a small part of her feared the possibilities of being exposed in front of the brunette. Lying was one thing, but hiding something that significant from Yeji was another.

Disrupting her inner musings, Ryujin was asked by the nurse to follow along into the examination room, and she obliged while Yeji trailed behind her.

While the nurse asked a few questions and took her vitals, Yeji hovered nearby, her concern almost filling the room. Ryujin couldn't help but chuckle at her mother-like demeanour, to the point where it really felt like she was at the doctors with her mom.

After a short wait, the doctor entered the room and greeted the two, sitting down before asking more in-depth questions. Ryujin managed to answer truthfully, all the while downplaying the seriousness to avoid revealing the real cause in front of Yeji. But as time had passed and the questions grew longer, Ryujin felt a heavy wave of guilt hitting her in the mind. She couldn't keep this up for long, especially not when a professional doctor was starting to become skeptical of her vague answers.

However, much to her relief, the questions came to an end, and so did the session. Ryujin and Yeji walked out of the hospital with the information that nothing was wrong and it could potentially be related to stress.

That part wasn't exactly wrong.

"See? Told you it wasn't a big deal," Ryujin tried to lighten up their atmosphere, as well as to distract herself from her inner conflict with a playful nudge by the elbow.

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