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(A/N : did not proofread.. i'm sorry for any grammar mistakes or errors!)
chp. 16

The ride to Grandma's was exhausting, draining, and almost stressing. I had trouble getting my mind off of what Ryujin had said in our earlier conversation, and I was stressing myself out about my response. I know that I should've at least acknowledged her feelings and not turn a blind eye to it, but I couldn't help myself. I didn't want to hurt her, because I didn't know if I felt the same way or not — despite my late realization that I enjoyed her company. I mean, she could also be confused for God's sake. Maybe she was only saying that because of what she thought she felt at the moment, and then weeks later, she would take it back and lose interest in me because of my lack of... lovability.

I have absolutely nothing to offer her, and that was the biggest issue that I discovered over the course of my two hour car ride. She was one of the most popular students in school, but it wasn't for nothing. Even in the span of three weeks, from what I could tell, she wasn't popular for no reason. Ryujin was kind, funny, pretty, and talkative. She had everyone lining up to even get a chance, but she chose me, and for what? I don't know! That was what stressed me out the most. A lot of people would probably kill to be in my spot right now, and I indirectly rejected her — no, not even a proper rejection, I rejected her in the worst way possible.

And to be honest? I don't know how I was supposed to talk to her now — if she even gives me a chance.

"Yeji, dear!"

My head snapped up at the sweet voice of my grandmother, noticing that she was rushing over with her arms open. A smile found its way across my face, and that was when I also noticed the two cute creatures that were running up to my feet.

"Hi, Grandma," I said, then looked down at my feet. "And hi to you two." Hongsam and Insam only barked at me, snuggling near my ankles. My worries had dissipated in that moment.

"Mom, where's my hug?" My mother pouted, opening her arms as my grandmother pulled back.

I allowed the two to catch up with each other and walked to the living room with Hongsam and Insam following me. I played with them for a while and even fed them, until someone walked down the wide stairs and greeted me.

I was so shocked to see my brother standing behind the couch, a cup of tea in hand as he grinned at me. Was this why we had to come so suddenly?

"Hey, sis," he waved, snickering at my frozen expression. "Why are you just sitting there? Come here."

My mouth parted as I rose from my seat, ignoring the barks of the two dogs. I sped up my walking pace and crashed into the arms of my brother, who was now chuckling at my speechlessness.

"Hyunjin," I exhaled as I pulled back, cupping his face before I harshly turned it left and right, checking to see if he was real. "When'd you get here? I thought you were busy with the development stuff."

He groaned as he took my hands off his face, frowning. "Don't put your dirty hands on my beautiful face, what if I break out again?" he exclaimed, then beamed. "The development's finished already, dummy. I'm making money right now despite not being there, isn't it amazing?"

"Yeah.. but you should've told me you came back!" I hit his chest, eliciting another chuckle from him.

"Okay, sorry about wanting to surprise you."

"As you should," I huffed and turned away, sitting down on the couch again. Hyunjin followed and sat beside me, taking a sip of his tea.

"So," he started, placing down the cup before turning to me with curious eyes. "What's going on with you?"

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