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"Hurry up! We're getting late!" Alison bangs on the bathroom door where her sister had occupied for well over half an hour. "Alexa!"

Alison can't get another word out before the door whips open. There, on the other side, stood her sister, a displeased look on her face. "Can you please stop? I'm done any minute now."

Alison raised an eyebrow in disbelief as she inspected her sister's appearence. She was still wearing her bathrobe and the hair curlers in her hair. She hardly looked put-together. Alison let it go with a deep sigh. "Fine, just hurry." With that, her sister disappeared behind the door, continuing whatever she was doing.

Alexa had been staying over at Alison's loft for two days, and they were already getting sick of each other. Their dad had wanted them to have dinner with him tonight since they don't see each other that often, and since Alexa was attending a college in another state, Alison had offered her to stay at her place. It was fun at first, but they quickly got annoyed at each other, just like how it used to be when they both lived at home.


"It's nice to finally see you girls again," their dad greeted them with tight hugs before they sat down at the table. "It feels like ages since I last saw you!"

"Four months, to be exact." Alexa mumbled, fixing the creases on her skirt.

Their dad ignored Alexa's remarks and turned his attention to his eldest daughter. "How is that boyfriend of yours, Alison? Ashton, right?"

"Yeah, great." she lied. In fact, it was not great. They had started fighting about small insignificant things, nothing that truly matters, and nothing they even cared about enough to really get mad about. It was like they were fighting just to fight. "Eleven months strong." She smiled lightly, but it quickly faded.

Some time goes by with some small talk. The waiters came to their table with plates of food in their hands. Immediately, they start digging in.

Their dad put his fork down. "Well, I have something to announce!" He clapped his hands together. "You know Bernadette?"

Bernadette is their dad's girlfriend of three years. Neither of the girls liked her very much, especially not Alexa. She had actually lived with her for over a year until she eventually moved to her college dorm- and according to Alexa she was horrible.

Not in an abusive way, just in an obnoxious sense. She plays overtly dumb in front of their dad, makes a baby voice when she's sad, and never stops talking about herself. And her only hobby is swiping their dad's credit card.

She also have a daughter, Cheryl, who's the same age as Alison. She's just like her mom. Just as rude and obnoxious- but in a more hidden way. She's not protruding with it as much as her mom.

Alexa sighed. "Sadly, yeah."

Alison quickly flashed a smile, trying to make their dad forget what Alexa had said. "Yeah, of course."

"We're getting married, and Bettie wants you to be her bridesmaids along with Cheryl!" He cheered, excited that he finally got to share the news with his daughters. Both the girls stopped their actions, their mouths full of food, fork mid-air.

"You're fucking kidding me." Alexa blurts out, earning a stern glare from her sister and an annoyed look from her dad.

"Lexi-" Alison tries to scold her, but she interrupts her.

"No, don't," she cuts Alison off, then turns her attention to her dad. "You can't just throw that information out like that-"

"Why not?" She gets interrupted by their dad, who is visibly aggravated.

"Because! You were never really there for us throughout our childhoods, especially when mom left! So it's not fair that you decide to build a family with a horrible woman and her even more horrible daughter, then try to include us!" She bursts out, her eyes welling up with tears mid-sentence. "It's not fucking fair!"

Their dad punched his hand on the table, clenching his jaw so hard that the veins in his face popped out. "Listen here young lady- I pay your tuition, I let you stay at home over the holidays, I've been nothing but generous, and for you to just insult me and Bernadette-" he squeezes his eyes shut and shake his head. "I'm so disappointed in you."

Alexa is practically shaking, both from anger and anguish, and without another word, she storms off.

"That spoiled little brat." He mutters under his breath. "Do you agree with her? Is that why you're so quiet?"

Alison didn't know what to say. Deep down she wholeheartedly agreed with her little sister, but she knew it would be a bad idea to voice her honest opinion. She just shrugged. "I'm gonna go see how she is."

There she was, sitting om the curb outside the restaurant, her honey brown hair draped over her face as she holds her head up with her hands. "I hate him."

Alison sat down beside her, trying to comfort her by rubbing soothing circles on her back with her thumb. "I know."

Alexa inhales, and you can hear that she's been crying due to her stuffy nose. "He can't marry her, Ali." She now looked at her sister in seriousness. "He just- he can't. He can't just let them become apart of our family."

"There's not much you can do about it. He's a grown adult who can make his own decisions, even if they're very stupid-" Alison sighs. "I totally agree with you, but it's his decision, you know?"

Alexa wipes her tears away with her palms before wrapping her arms around her sister tightly. "You're my only family."


Okay this was the first chapter!!!

Sorry that you didn't get to meet Luke yet, but I wanted to build up a story ;)

Anyways lmk what you guys think!!

- Adriana xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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