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Hi My name is Y/n Grace I am 17 years old, Yep that's right apart of the Kooks, You see where I live you are either a kook with tons of money or a Pogue who has to work 2 jobs to slightly make it bye.

I guess you could say my family has always been very well off with money. But my parents work hard to be able to live this lifestyle, You see they both work alot trying to provide for me and give me the life they never had. I love my parents with my whole life especially my father you could say he is my bestfriend but also my dad seems to be around a lot more then my mom. The one thing my parents ask of me is too keep are family reputation good because being a kook means everyone watches your every move.

Keeping my family's reputation has always been super easy for me because my family is tight with Cameron's family. Every since I was 5 when we moved here and my dad started working for Ward Cameron there family is almost like my second family. You see one of my best friends is there daughter Sarah Cameron when I first moved to obx she was my first friend and every since then we have been tight. We actually used to be super close with Kiara Carrera her family is apart of the kooks but I guess one day she got sick of the "Kook" life and dipped, now she's a Pogue a lot of the family's on figure 8 talk bad about her family. I guess I never really understood why it mattered if you were a kook or a Pogue, I mean why can't we all be friends? But that would ruin my family's reputation.

Oh and I almost forgot to add in I am dating one of the Cameron's, The oldest Rafe Cameron he is 19. We started dating 2 years ago when I was 15 and he was 17, I mean I always thought he was hot but never thought he would feel the same way. Our relationship has a lot of twist and turns but I love him (at least I think I do) anyways our family's love the idea of us together especially my mom.

So I guess I should start telling you my story.......

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