Chapter 4: The Crimson Residence

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"... A song!" Bryan exclaimed. Bonnie, Chica, and I all glared at him. That was what we needed to collect the gifts?

"Fine... Teach me the song and we will go our seperate ways," Bonnie demanded, taking his guitar and tuning it.

"Too bad. I am going with you."

"Dude, just teach me the damn song. I don't want to have to deal with you ever again."

"If you want to kick me out that bad, I guess I could just leave with the song you need." With that, Bryan started walking away. I gave Bonnie a distressed look and ran after Bryan. I grabbed his arm and he turned around.

"No he didn't mean it. You don't have to teach him the song. Just go with us," I begged. Bryan's face was turning pink and he smiled.

"Anything for you, Sweetheart," he said, walking back to Bonnie and Chica with me. "Let us get going shall we?"

Bonnie and Chica nodded and we all started walking, Bryan leading the way. He slowed down a bit so he was walking me and decided to snake an arm around my waist. I stopped and tried to squirm away, but he dug his nails into my side. I don't think we should trust this guy anymore, song or not, I thought.

"Hey Bryan, hands off of my girlfriend," Bonnie demanded. We stopped and I looked at Bonnie. His normally magenta eyes were now firey red orbs. He clenched his fists and glared at the blue haired boy.

"Oh my apologies. I thought that was what friends did," Bryan said, scratching me as he let go. I quickly walked over to Bonnie.

"Dude, you are an idiot."

"Oh well. Let us go."


We walked to a green house with a bright blue door. Bryan happily knocked on the door and a small woman opened it.

"Hello. May I help you?" she asked.

"We would like to come into your house if you don't mind. We had a project due for school and we needed to question someone," Bryan said. The woman nodded and guided us into her living room. We sat down on the couches, me being extremely close to Bonnie.

"What did you need to know?" the woman asked.

"Well first I will play a song for you. Then I want you to tell me what you think," Bryan said, smirking.

Bryan took Bonnie's guitar and started playing it. The woman looked at us a little weirdly then nodded.

"That was a lovely song. Do you mind following me?" the woman said, getting up. Bryan nodded and followed the woman to a door. She opened the door and pushed him down some stairs into a basement, closing and locking the door. She quickly ran over to a box and brought it to Chica.

"You three brought him here? That was foolish," she said. "But I was told there was going to be a fourth person in your group. I was only told that your group contained a purple haired male, a blond female, and a (H/C) female. Listen to me carefully now. You must get going now. Visit the address in the box and say that Mrs. Crimson helped you. You will get your next item there."

We nodded and got up, running towards the door.

"And Bonnie?" the woman said. Bonnie turned around. "I am glad I got to see my son one last time. I know you'll do good Benjamin." The woman smiled and hugged Bonnie.

"I will. For you Mom," he said. Bonnie grabbed my hand and we ran out together, hearing Bryan screaming to be let out and hitting the door.


We stopped at a park and sat under a tree. We ran all the way here. Chica opened the box and looked at the address.

"This isn't far from my house. We can go from there. I think we should do that today so we have a little elbow room for the other items," Chica said.

"Sounds like a plan. We need to be careful about other people though. We don't want another Bryan getting in our way," Bonnie said, frowning. "And I can't even go back to check if my mother is okay."

I hugged Bonnie. "I'm sure she will be fine, B. Once this is all over, you can visit her," I said. He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks (Y/N)."

"Isn't that adorable?" Chica squealed. We heard footsteps and the person stopped in front of us.

"Um hi... I uhh saw you had a music box and I was... Uh wondering if I could see it..."


Yay cliffhanger! So thanks for sticking around you guys. I absolutely love seeing all the comments you put. It really makes me smile and laugh at some. Anyway, put in the comments who you think this mystery person is. I think its fairly obvious.

Catch you on the flipside,

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