24: What's best for her (Tom's POV)

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Tom waited for Siobhan in the entrance hall that Friday night. It had been a spur of the moment decision to ruin the blonde Hufflepufs shot with her. He didn't plan on asking her to Slughorns get-together, but he sure as shit wasn't going to let her go with Milo Evans. Siobhan had enough nights spoiled for her, she needed to have a date of higher standards.

Oh, how he enjoyed playing mind games with her. Her own thoughts were his biggest weapon against her. She would overthink everything he did and said to her. She was so easy to toy around with. It was amusing.

He wanted her to make the first move between them. It was obvious there had been tension in the air. He himself had played a big part in creating it. Where other girls had fallen at his feet as soon as he put in some effort, Siobhan seemed a lot more calculated and apprehensive. Almost as if she was scared, and that intrigued him. He had never been interested in people adoring him. The only way to get what you wanted in this life was by having people fear you, and he had gotten quite good at that.
Even during their kiss, she had trembled slightly. He wasn't sure if it was him that she feared, tho. There was a chance it was just her fathers watchful eye that followed her, even at school, that made her afraid to be connected to him.

Tom had always thought his childhood had been terrible. The orphanage had been full of awful, small-minded muggles. But meeting Dorian had convinced him that Siobhan Selwyn had been fucked up ever since she had entered this world. But this was okay, he liked it that way.

At first, he saw her as nothing more than a pretty face with good grades. She had an important family, and therefore, she was of interest to him. Lately, however, he felt himself drawn to her in a different way. Siobhan intrigued him. She was highly desired, and in his mind, it wouldn't make sense for her to stand next to anyone but him. The thought of her associating herself with low lives like the Evans family made him nauseous. If there was ever a woman worthy of him, it would be Siobhan Selwyn.

Tom watched as she came down the stairs. She was wearing a long thin black dress that seemed to flow behind her with every move she made. It made her look almost angelic. It reminded him that she was part Veela.
Tom had wondered if his interest in her had been caused by that fact, but Siobhan only seemed to use it when she was desperate. That, and she had been quite shaken up after he had made clear he didn't like her little trick last time.

She pushed her long curls behind her shoulders and laced her arm through his. If she was hesitant, she hid it well. Together, they made their way down to the dungeons.
'You look nice,' Tom complimented her in a casual way. She scoffed softly, obviously not very impressed by his choice of words.
He suppressed a small grin. It was going to take a while before he would praise her the way she wanted and needed. He might even make her beg for it.

They entered Sluhorns office together. After they had greeted their professor, they found their seats at a long dinner table that was extravagantly decorated. Unnatural green roses stood spread around in bouquets on the table, and there were at least 4 different knives placed in front of each guest.

Tom noticed Siobhans' uncomfortable glances in Milo Evans' direction. Annoyance spread through his body. She had to start realizing she was made for more than him.
Milo had brought a Gryffindor that Tom vaguely recognized from last years astronomy lessons. She was pretty, but an obvious downgrade from Siobhan.

'What time do we leave tomorrow?' She asked him, and it was very clear that she was trying to distract herself from the watchful eyes that had noticed them coming in as a pair. Tom enjoyed the attention.

'10, we meet here at Slughorns office.' As he spoke, he didn't look at her, but made sure to find Milo's eyes. Once they locked, Tom gave him a small sadistic smile that said more than a thousand words.

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