14: Punishment.

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Siobhan and Cillian were picked up by Altair and Amos not long after.
'Dad wants all of us in there, no idea why,' said Altair as he led the siblings to the exit on the side. They stepped into a large hallway with tall ceilings. They immediately turned left and went into their father's specious office.
All the walls were lined with books. The lights were even dimmer in here, and Shiv thought it was quite warm.

Dorian sat behind his large desk, Tom and Abraxas Sr. sat in front of him on the other side of the desk. Tom had his legs crossed and one of his arms laid casually on the arm of the chair. It was in stark contrast to Mr Malfoy, who leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, staring at Dorian with frustration.

Leaning against a bookcase on the right, Abraxas Jr. crossed his arms as he watched the four siblings come in. For some reason, Siobhan felt drawn to him, perhaps it was their closeness in age. He looked almost as uncomfortable in the room as her. She stood next to him, and they gave each other a polite but awkward smile. Shiv felt unbelievably exposed in her thin satin dress.

Dorian leaned back in his chair. 'I've just had a very interesting conversation with Mister Riddle over here. He has a way with words and people that has caught our interest. Malfoys as well,' he added, glancing over at Mr Malfoy for only a split second.

Tom didn't speak. She couldn't see his face, but his long fingers traced the side of the armchair slowly.

'Mister Riddle has some interests himself. He is looking for financing, which we can provide. Besides that, we have promised him the full allegiance of our families. Me and Abraxas truly believe we will be at the forefront of a great new era for wizards.
Altair and Amos, I will send you both detailed lists of topics that Mister Riddle has pointed out he would like to discuss with you. Cillian.. you as well.' Her father looked over at Cillian in an almost disgusted type of way.

'Leaves me you, Siobhan,' Dorian spoke.
Shiv swallowed but kept her face neutral. She straightened her back.

'I would like for you to join young Abraxas at your side, in aligning yourself with Riddle in academic ways.'

'Join the eh,' Siobhan started.

'Death eaters? Not necessarily, not if you don't want to. But I'd like for you to help assist me in some extracurricular research.' Tom spoke suddenly. His voice was steady and calm as he didn't turn around to look at her. The word research almost seemed like a cruel inside joke.

Siobhan nodded slowly. Her father stared right into her soul, wiping away any spark of resistance. She decided this wasn't the moment to argue. 'Yes, of course, no problem.'

Her father did something rather odd. He reached out his hand for her to grab. Awkwardly, she took it. He drew her next to him by his desk and gave her a perfectly well acted out parental hug. She hid her discomfort as she felt her dad pet her back a couple of times. When she broke free of his embrace, she stepped back to the side again. He had done this before, trying to radiate this nonexistent sense of warmth around the Selwyns.

'And besides that, dear,' he started slowly again, and Shiv felt her heart sink in her chest. His tone was dark, making her feel small. It seemed to only alarm the siblings, who recognized their father's suppressed anger.

'Mr Riddle has a great interest in magical artifacts. He has asked me about the chain of the sacred 28,' Dorian spoke slowly. Shiv felt her heart skip a beat. Her father was a manipulative asshole and she was faced with his worst side right now.

Slowly, she took a small step forward, finding Riddles eyes for a second before looking down at her father's back. 'Does he want it?'

'Yes, Siobhan, he wants it.' Dorian said it as if she was dumb child. She felt her heartrate increase.

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