Steve Rogers - In another world

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You are sitting on the couch with Steve and the other Avengers telling them about the other universe you had been to.

"That's not possible. There is no way there is another universe where I don't even pay attention to you." Steve says as he snuggles closer into your side. You had been dating for a little over three months and it was going great.

"No really! I was just a face in the crowd. I met you once actually. You hugged me and told me it was great to meet me. But that's what you told everyone, it was your job. Your name was Chris Evans and you were an actor. Guess what role you played?" He had been shaking his head the entire time. In his mind you were the most important person in the room and couldn't think of a world without you together.

"I don't know, what?" He asked not amused.

"Captain America world war 2 hero." He looks at you confused.

"I played... me?"

"Yeah. And then one morning I wake up and you're actually real and I ended up being an Avenger! How crazy is that?!" 

"Did you hit your head or something?"

"No I did not."

"Are you sure because you've never mentioned this before and now you are kinda confusing me."

"Steve. I promise I didn't hit my head. There really is a world where you and I don't exist."

"What was my name?" Nat asked as she sat down with Bruce.

"Your name was Scarlett Johansson, and Bruce your name was Mark Ruffalo."

"What about me? I'm sure I was the best out of all of you." Tony asks

"Your name was Robert Downey jr." You say smiling.

"And me?" 

"Jeremy Renner"

"What about me?"

"Chris Hemsmworth"

"Wait me and Thor had the same name?"

"Yeah. And Star Lord too. His name is Chris Pratt. And a lot of you have families too. Tony you had a son and Star Lord also has a son. Thor you have a son also. I'm sure i'm missing someone there are so many of you" Y/n laughs.

"I had a kid?" Tony asked surprised.

"Yeah! And guess who is favorite supper hero is?"

"Well me obviously."

"Actually he loves Clint." Y/n states amused at the hysterical expression on Tony's face.

"Yeah that's right! I beat you at your own game. Your kids even like me more." Clint exclaims excitedly while Tony rolls his eyes.

"So we all know each other?" Steve asks still curious.

"Yeah! You all make movies of these lives together kinda actually."

"So do we beat Thanos?"

"I don't know. We didn't get that far."

How did you like this? I'm still not sure If I like it or not but oh well. I hope you liked it! If you have any ideas comment them down below and I will try to write them as close as possible! I love y'all and thank you for reading!

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