Bucky x reader- number/10

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I'm asleep in my fluffy bed when there's a knock at my door. I slowly look at the clock and see that it's 2:17. 
" What do you want?" I say, my voice low from sleep deprivation. I quickly smile when I see it's Bucky.

"Sorry. I'll go, I didn't realize how early it was." I quickly shake my head when I note the he's been crying. 

"No Bucky, come here. It's okay, I thought you were Tony." He smiles but is visibly embarrassed. 

"Hey Bucky, I want to show you something." I gently take his metal hand and pull him out to the living room. I go get my car keys from the mission room then I come back to find him sitting rather stiffly. I grab his hand again and we get in the car. Just three days ago I found this radio station that plays 40's music. I turn it on and start driving. His eyes light up and he looks at me smiling. I smile back happy he's not thinking about his nightmare anymore. 

He's singing along as he does a little dance while I drive anywhere and everywhere. We drive around for another hour before I drive back to the tower. When we get back I turn and look him in the eyes.
"How bad was it out of ten" I ask. He looks at me with a hurt look and quietly mumbles

"7/10" He looks like he doesn't want to talk about it so I get out of the car and open his door. When he steps out I take his hand and lead him to his room. He still looks like he's about to cry so I sit on the bed next to him.

"Bucky nightmares are serious. They feel real and sometimes they are real. I dealt with them for years. If I learned anything I learned that you need someone. And sometimes talking helps. You don't have to talk tonight. But know that if you ever want to. I'm here. You're my best friend and I love you." I get up and start walking back to my room when I feel someone run and hug me from behind.

"I love you too." I turn still in his arms and see Bucky's teary face. I instantly I wrap my arms around him and he buries his face in my neck.  "Please stay?" I nod and he takes my hand pulling me back to his room.

So this one is super super short but sweat.
Word count : 418

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