Seen - Bruce banner REQUESTED

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                                                                This oneshot was requested by Marvelsbiach

   Y/N's POV

I'm waiting for him to get home. I've done the dishes and dinner is ready and warm. The house is picked up and now I'm getting out of the shower. I look at the clock. 6:40. I have about an hour to look presentable. I get done drying and curling my hair then put a dress and make up on. He has nothing to be mad about. I hear the door nob turn and rush to greet him.

"Hey sweetheart!"I greet as I pull him in for a kiss. I freeze for a second when I taste beer. No. 

"Get off me. What have you been doing all day? look at the floor! there is no way you have swept today. And why aren't the dishes put away? Gosh I can't ever leave you alone!"

"I'm sorry. I- I - I forgot. I'll do it right now."

"No. I don't want to listen to a sweeper after I work all day." I had a doctors appointment  today. Won't get the results until tomorrow. They're scared I have a concussion. Is what I want to say. Instead I stay silent. 

Thwack. I hear it before I feel the stinging sensation on my face. I want to cry but I don't dare. 

"You answer me when I talk to you, You hear me?!" I nod before another blow hits my stomachache.  "speak."

"y-yes" I barely get out. My head is pounding and my heart is in my throat.  I have work tomorrow. I can't let them see. I fall as he trudges to our bedroom. I swear I heard him laugh.

I wake up on the floor, my alarm going off in my pocket.  I quickly turn it off and lift myself off the floor. wincing as I feel my ribs. I do my makeup, making sure to hide the bruise forming on my left cheek and pick an oversize shirt and sweatshirt to cover my ribs and the bandages on them. I work at the Avenger's tower as a scientist/ doctor. I had little training in the doctor field other than bandages and stitches. I also put in I.Vs.  Today was Monday and we were working on a suit for Wanda. I was excited. When I get out of my car I look up to see that with the lighting change you can still see a faint bruise under my makeup. I ran into the door, I tell myself. 

As I walk into the tower I am greeted by Tony Stark, My boss. 

"Hello Y/n, As you know today We are working on the flame and bullet resistant part of  Wands suit today. I will work on the fire part and you and Banner are gonna be testing bullet proof fabric and duration today." I smile and nod. I love this part of my job. It's something I can get enthralled in and put my heart into. Also Banner wasn't to bad either. He was nice and very serious about his work. He wanted to keep his friends safe and healthy. 

I walk to the lab and see him already inspecting the swatches Tony has for us. Like Tony he had giant sheets and a whole area set up with different guns and explosives set up. all saying stark industries. "If I can't sell them might as well set them off, Explosions are cool." He had said when he showed us the room. I look on my desk to see a note,

Have fun blowing stuff up, make sure you don't  damage my carpet that this was expensive.

I roll my eves and move next to Bruce. "Good morning, looks like we have a fun day ahead of us." I smiled, looking at the swatches he had already looked at.

"Yeah, Tony has a lot of materials for us to work with. I think these four are the best due to my research." He said as he hands them over to me finally looking up. His face instantly hardened and I noticed the way he was looking at my cheek.

I act confused then laugh and touch my cheek. "Oh don't worry, I ran into the bathroom door this morning. I was trying not to wake Jack up so I left the lights off."I say lightheartedly and he buys it. I think. He drops the subject and takes the swatches over to the explosives room. "Are you sure you're okay with this? I mean... you won't green out on me will you?" I ask a little hesitantly. He smiles and gives me a thumbs up. 

"I should be fine as long as you don't shoot me." He winks and then puts the clothes up so we can test. We go on, talking between clips and admiring each other's aim. He hands he a particularly heavy gun and sets it on a stand for me. I walk over and aim the gun for the heart. When I pull the trigger to my surprise, and pain, the gun kicks back right into my ribs where the bandages are. I wince and double over trying to catch my breath. Bruce notices and rushes over.

"Y/n what happened? are you alright?" I take a deep breath, collecting myself before I straighten out. I wince again, my arm instinctively going to my ribs.

"Yeah i'm fine. Just a little cramp." I try to lie. I can feel my ribs throbbing and can't help but think they might be broken.

"No it's not. Let me see."He gently pulls my shirt up and I let him. He sucks in a breath as he sees the bruise. "Y/n. This is not from running into your door."He states and I can't help but hear anger in his voice. I look down, not knowing what to say. This isn't what's supposed to happen.

"Y/n who did this? Was it Jack?" I look down again.  "That's it. You have to move out if he's doing this to you. It's not safe for you. He should be in prison" My heart sinks.

"No, Please don't turn him in. It's only when he's drunk. He's really sweet when he wants to be!" The anger grows behind his eyes.

"And how many days has he been sober lately? When has he ever been sweet to you?" I open my mouth to say something but my ribs hurt too bad and I double over again. "Let's get to the lab so I can look at that then we'll talk." He says before he helps you to the elevator.

He looks at your ribs and detects that they are badly bruised but nothing too severe. Before you can say anything he holds his hand up silencing your not spoken words. 

"You're moving in here in the guest bedroom until he moves out. If you want you never have to leave. Also Natasha will train you in self defense. This is my final offer. You don't get to refuse."  I offer a small smile. 

"Thank you Bruce. I have to get my things. He'll be mad."

"I'll go with you, don't worry. "

Thank you for reading, I hope this is what you were thinking of! Don't forget to comment and vote! If you want a part two comment!

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