Tony Stark x Y/n - Migraine

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Pairing - Tony Stark x reader

Back story - You and Tony are dating 

The rest of the Avengers were on a mission doing something with Hydra and you had to stay home because Furry didn't want your time with this particular base to cause problems. While they are away you get one of your infamous migraines

Warnings - none


You're laying on the floor in the living room with all the blinds closed.

Missing the mission-Sucked

being alone- Sucked

All the paperwork piled on your desk- Sucked

But this Migraine - really Sucked

It started the moment you woke up this morning. Tony and the team had been gone for eight days and would be back sometime tomorrow. You took the maximum of your medications but they did nothing except make you tired and focus more on your headache. 

You haven't eaten lunch yet. You barely made it to the living room floor before getting dizzy. All you could do was cry it out and hope you fall asleep. 

After about a two hour nap You felt strong enough to walk around so you stood up and went to the kitchen. As soon as you left the living room the florescent lights burned into your skull and you whimpered closing your eyes shut trying to block out the light.
J.A.R.V.I.S seemed to notice your problem because he put himself in whisper mode and also dimmed all the lights in the house so when you traveled from room to room it wasn't so bad.

"Thank you J.A.R.V.I.S, It doesn't hurt now" You manage to gulp out as you make your way down the hall to the kitchen. All the noises were quiet now due to the loving A.I and you couldn't help but thank him again.

"You're welcome Miss. It's my pleasure." He whispered back.

All you had for breakfast was an apple and toast so you were hungry. 
When you get to the kitchen you make a p,b&j. You go to sit at the kitchen table to eat, When you get there you sit your plate down and lay your head on the table, pleased to feel that its cool from the lack of use. You whimper as the headache lessens just the tiniest bit. Before you knoe it your asleep.

Tony's POV  Eight hours later 3:00 am

He walks in the door confused by the lights being dimmed to the point he could barely see.

 "J.A.R.V.I.S?" He calls making y/n's headache spike again. "Why are the lights so dimmed?" 

"I believe your girlfriend is suffering one of her migraines, sir." J.A.R.V.I.S whispers back. Tony's heart sank. 

"How long? Has she taken her medicine?" He asks in a worried tone.

"Since she woke up yesterday morning and yes. It didn't seem to help." 

"Where is she?"

"Asleep at the kitchen table, sir." Tony runs to the kitchen making sure the closer he gets the quieter he gets. When he arrives his precious girlfriend is clutching her head.

"Make it stop." She whispered to herself. Tony slowly walked closer. When he got to her he pulled her hands away from her head and placed the cool rag he got on the way over on her forehead. he gently pulled her onto his lap and let her lean into his chest. He felt her sigh as the coolness soaked into her head.

"Tony?" She asked. She hadn't opened her eyes the entire time. Tony smiled as she breathed in his familiar scent. 

"Yes baby, I'm home." He says as he places a soft kiss on the top of her head. She snuggled closer into him hearing his voice and sighed again.

"My head hurts." She said in a sleepy voice. Just by her words Tony could tell how bad it hurt.

"I know baby, why don't we go to bed and try to sleep. it's like three in the morning." When she nodded he picked her up bridal style and carried her to bed. He took the cloth off her head to her dismay but soon brought it back, cool again. 

"I'm glad your home baby" She sighs as he crawls in bed next to her wrapping her in a protective cuddle.

"me too"

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