Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes feeling someone was shaking me. But soon I realised I was with Samrat. 

I moved back from him and looked into his eyes. His eyes are blank void of any emotion for me to recognise it. But who am I kidding he carries that same expression all the time.

He got down from the car and helped me to get down . I don't want to take his help but thanks to this heavy lehenga leaving no option for me.

We slowly made our way to the entrance door. His mother and now my mother in law is standing with a plate  in her hands. Besides her is the second devil Sneha Raichand the person I disgust from the bottom of my heart. Sometimes I feel like the devil of my husband has a heart but for his sister she is the most selfish and greedy person on the earth who always thinks about only her and her brother. At least she cares for her brother sometimes.

She is giving me a not so friendly look. God ! What is her problem ? Am already in this hectic standing beside the devil as his wife but you have no mercy on me to send two more devils to deal with.

Seema aunty gave an arti to us and asked me to complete the ritual by kicking the kalas placed on the gadap.

I did everything as she instructed and we  entered inside.

In this whole family the only good member is Akshay uncle my father in law. All others are very hard to deal. Especially Samrat .

Samrat hold my wrist to walk upstairs I think for his room.

" No thanks ", I said and tried to remove his hand on my wrist but only it tightened more.

" Don't add to your punishment more ", he murmured which made me surrender.

" She only learns in a hard way bro ", Sneha taunted me. I glared at her only to be heard by her mother.

" Atleast learn how to behave with your husband and in laws girl . You are not a kid anymore. Stop your tantrums from now on. You already embarassed my whole family by eloping from the wedding ".

At this point I lost every single patience that had in me. I looked at my so called husband to see his jaw clenched which is the sign of no good for me. I have to stand for myself . I done everything in my will  f0r escaping this marriage. The lady who is accussing me is well aware of it. I even pleaded her to help me but she just ignored me. I have to make myself brave.

" If you are considering me as a kid then why you approved this marriage . And for your kind information I didn't eloped I just tried to escape the marriage with your cruel and devil son. You should have stopped him from marrying me" , i spat the words on her filled with venom.

" Why will I stop him ? As a mother am here to fulfill his every wish ", she answered me. Was she nuts or what?

" Yes , as a selfish mother you always supports your selfish son . What can I expect from a mother like you ? ", I said to her.

Akshay uncle signalled me to stop this with a pleading look. But why should I ? They had started it and I will defend myself.

" SITARA , don't talk to my mother like that ", Sneha growled.

" ohhh....the sweet daughter came to rescue her mother ", i taunted her.

" Sneha....she is your BHABHI ", my so called husband said emphasizing the word BHABHI.

I don't understand from this whole conversation he is only interested in this. What his sister used to refer me. I sometimes think that  he is crazy.

" Sorry Bhai ...and ... sorry BHABHI", She said while stressing the word BHABHI.

" Bhabhi, everything is done for good only . But please reciprocate feelings of my brother . He loves you a lot. Please don't try to leave him . He will goes mad. Please..", Sneha said .

I can't understand this girl. A few moments she is ready to pounce on me for raising my voice on her mother but now she is suggesting to me normally.

" least do the honor not to elope like today in future ", Seema aunty again taunted me. God ! Please teach her the difference between eloping and escaping.

Anger raised in me and I uttered with out analysing the consequences " I will definitely makes sure to escape from him.  I will not live with hi- ", my words got struck in my throat with a stinging pain on my cheek . My head is spinning due to the harsh slap. I was about to fall when a hand tightly held my hair in grip making it difficult for me.

" YOU BETTER THINK BEFORE DOING ANYTHING STUPID ", Samrat seethed and started dragging me up the stairs. Tears welled up in my ears with his harsh pull.

He opened a door and harshly pushed me. I fell on the hard floor and yelped by the pain. Taking my good time I wiped my tears. By now , my head spinning had stopped. I stood up straight on my feet.

Samrat is looking at me angrily. I think I pushed his buttons more . Now I just don't want him to punish me . As I already know his punishments will traumatize me .

" Sorry ...", I mumbled .

" You better be . Now go and take a bath ", he ordered and I obeyed him silently.

After taking a bath I checked my self in the mirror. My cheeks are swollen and had handprints on them . I don't know how many slaps I got in just one day. This is just the beginning and am already facing it.

" I will definitely try to get a escape from you Mr. SAMRAT RAICHAND ", I made a mental note in my mind and went out.

Food is placed on the table and the devil is waiting for me. He is in his night suit. I think he went to another room to freshen up.

Am in no mood to eat. I already lost my appetite. I am making my way to the bed when he called me making my steps to stop.

" Come and Eat ".

" i don't - ".

" I will not repeats it again Sugar ", he demanded and felling defeated I went and ate my food calmly feeling a strong gaze on me.

I went to bed and after a few seconds felt someone beside me. I gasped loudly thinking what is about to come.

" Relax.. Sugar I will not do anything today . I know you are too exhausted from today events and also something 8s awaiting for you tomorrow ", he answered to my unasked query.

" WHAT ", I asked him feeling that something is not right.

" your PUNISHMENT ".

The word which took my sleep and some peace that I felt thinking that he had forgiven me . But who am I kidding the word forgiveness is not even in his dictionary.

" please god ....please save me form this devil ", i prayed to God and started crying.

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