"I hadn't realized it was bad," Feyre said, shuffling into a seated position that made her skin grow even paler. "You're hurt."

Ana had forgotten all about her own set of injuries in her search for Feyre. Her skin was still littered with various markings, all still in the process of healing from the night before. But the pain was barely there, Ana having grown used to the constant stabbing and throbbing sensation after years of experience. She felt as normal as before the torture began, and while that would concern many, it barely captured Ana's attention. She had bigger things to worry aboutFeyre dying, for one.

"I'll heal. I'll be fine. You, however, will not be if I don't take care of this quickly." Ana gave no room for protest as she left Feyre's side and searched the room for the bathroom.

The room was nicewell, as nice as a room under a mountain could be. It was spacious, with a crackling fireplace, a large bed, and a dresser of tunics and trousers. A mirror stood against one wall, a desk pressed against another. The door to the room had a lock, which Feyre no doubt used at all times, and another door was open to reveal a bathroom.

Ana quickly gathered the items she neededa bowl of water, cloths, gauze, and a bucket. With her arms full, she took her spot at Feyre's side and gave her friend a look. "This will hurt for only a second. I have to clean the wound before I can heal it. Just try to stay still, okay?"

Feyre nodded and Ana got to work. She removed the shard of bone first, apologizing profusely as Feyre winced and whined. Once it was placed in the bucket, Ana could see the full extent of the wound. It was deep enough that Ana could see hints of Feyre's own bones, the muscle and tendon all torn and shredded. If Ana wasn't used to seeing worse, she would've definitely thrown up.

The blood had mostly congealed around the edges, but puss continued to flow freely. Ana dipped the cloth into the water and began cleaning, attempting to be as gentle as possible but also being as thorough as she could be. She wanted to ensure that the wound was clean before using any of her healing magic. It was how Shadowhunters were taught to tend woundsalways clean before using your Iratze. 

With the blood and puss removed, and the bucket filled with dirty scraps of cloth, Ana placed her hands over the injury. She dug deep into her being, tugging on the power that flowed within herthat was a living and breathing part of her. Slowly, the skin of her hands began to glow, tendrils of gold encircling Feyre's arm and focusing on the injury. Ana kept tugging and tugging, a sense of freedom filling her as she let her power flow. Keeping it locked up while around the members of the court had taken a toll on her. It exhausted her and stressed her out. But letting it run free? It was a feeling she couldn't even begin to explain.

Once she was sure the wound was healed entirely, Ana let go of her hold on her power. The glow faded and the golden tendrils evaporated. Feyre's skin had stitched together, leaving no mark of a previous injury. Just smooth pale skin.

Ana gave her friend a smile. "Now, the fever should go quickly, as should the chills and pain. Once it's gone, wash up. Leaving all that muck on you will get you sick, and I don't know when I'll be able to visit you again."

Feyre was gaping at her arm, as if in disbelief. "You can heal?"

Ana nodded. "I was just as surprised when I found out myself." She stiffened at the sound of feet outside the door. "I have to go. I'll try and see you again, but I can't promise anything."

The Archeron nodded in understanding. "Thank you, Ana."

The blonde smiled. "Anytime, Feyre."

⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⬩❖⬩ ⎯⎯⎯⎯

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