3. The Ancient Relic of Healing

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Author's Note: Hey! We are up to our final part and we are finished!!!!! So, these features Pixal's Father, Dr Borg. So Let's see what happens here!!!

Pixal POV

My father decided to invite Zane to come over for some tea,

Cecil hasn't called me about any mission or expedition to be done.

It has been about a year since our last adventure in the Temple of the Overlord,

I have been feeling quite clingy around Zane for some apparent reason.

Could it be the feeling of love?

No, it can't be.

Today, we waited for Zane to come and have tea with me and my father.

My father was hoping to join us on the next mission,

He has been talking to Cecil about this Sacred Artifact that can heal anyone who takes it.

My father has this safe book that has the hints in the book,

But it is somewhere in the Explorer's Club.

I bet it is in his locker,

He was hoping to find it.

But I was worried,

There were more greedy explorers out there who also want to get it.

Like Clutch Powers, his mind was on that and he is still trying to find where it might be.

Anyway at about 5 pm Zane arrived and we shared some tea and sugar around,

As we had some tea served with some biscuits I could feel Zane's fingers touching mine and I slightly heated up and avoided looking at it.

Zane kept asking my father questions relating to his father since my father knew a lot about Dr Julien who used to be the boss of the whole club.

I saw Dr Julien when I saw a small girl and he sometimes called me "pixie dust" or "pix" 

I used to call him "Uncle Julien"

After a few hours, Zane left and it was about 7 pm and I decided to go to bed.

The Next Day I was called by Cecil,

I went to the library in the Explorer's Club.

I met Zane at a table and sat next to him,

"What does Cecil want now?" I question him.

"No clue, but I think this has something got to do with the expedition on finding that Sacred relic," Zane says.

"Really? The one my father talked about?" I question,

"Yeah," He says.

Cecil soon comes and sits down and clears his throat,

"Excuse me, now I think your father has told you about the sacred relic," He says.

"How do you know?" Zane questions,

"Dr Borg, your father told me," He says as he faces me.

"What?" I say,

"He was looking forward to this expedition, he wants to join in, just for one time" He says.

"No way! We deal with this ourselves" Zane says,

"Well, Ms Borg do you approve?" Cecil questions but I was hesitating because I didn't mind my father joining in.

"Never mind! Figure it out yourselves" Cecil says after 10 minutes and leaves the library with a cup of tea with about 10 sugars in them.

"Pixal? Why didn't you say anything?" Zane questions me,

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