Chapter Twenty One

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guys the end of this book is almost here😭

BUT DW! i have a zombie apocalypse book coming out when i finish this one! and i will probably make more books in the future💞

Robins POV:

I woke up early with Finneys head on my chest. He looked so adorable when he slept..

Today was our last day on the trip. (pretend they spent a week there😭)

I looked around to see if anyone else was awake and everyone was.

"Morning Robin!" Bruce said. "Morning." I said while yawning. Everyone else said good morning to me.

A bit later Finney woke up.

"Good morning mi amor." I said to him.

"Morning love." He responded while smiling.

He got up and went to the bathroom. "Today is out last day here right?" Vance asked.

"Yep." Billy answered.

"Ugh. That means me and Griffin have to go home to my father. And you guys know what an asshole my dad is." Vance added.

"Good luck man." I said while walking to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, put a black shirt on, and tied my hair into a low ponytail.

I walked back out of the bathroom and sat down next to Finney.

The rest of our friends were talking while me and Finney were just laughing at whatever random shit they were saying.

We went down to go eat breakfast a little bit later, then we explored the museum more, and the teachers were explaining each painting. That part was a bit boring.

Then finally, we headed back to our hotels and packed everything up.

We got to the airport and boarded our plane a bit later. We all sat in our same spots. There wasn't much to the plane ride because we were all sleeping.

*Time skip to when they got off the plane*

Once we landed, we left the plane. We saw Gwen, my dad, my uncle, Ruby, and Shannon. We also saw Billy's dad and mom, Mr and Mrs Yamada and Amy, and Griffins mom.

Gwen came running to Finney and immediately hugged him. "Oh my god- Hi Finney!! I missed you!" She exclaimed. "Hi Gwen, i missed you too!" He said back.

She left Finneys arms and ran straight into mine.

"Hey Robin!"

"Hey Gwen!"

Ruby came up to us, said hey and hugged me and Finn. My dad did the same but didn't hug us.

My uncle came up to me and hug me tightly. "Hello Robin! How was your trip?" He asked me. "Hi tío, it was good!" I said.

Next Shannon came up to us and hugged me and Finn at the same time. We loved Shannon, she was super supportive and nice.

"Hello boys! I hope you had a lot of fun!"

"Hi! Yes we did!" Finney replied while smiling.

I nodded and smiled brightly.

*Time skip to when they got home*

We walked into our house and unpacked everything.

Once we finally finished unpacking everything in our bags we decided to text the gc.

funsizedbitch- griffin
urdadsthemailman- billy
angrypoodle- vance
ilovebaseBALLS- bruce
theblakemistake- finney

theblakemistake- HEYY BITCHESS. how was everyones interaction with their family again⁉️

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