Chapter Five

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sorry i took a 6 day break but IM BACKKK😍

Finneys POV:
I was in first period sitting in my assigned seat. I was expecting a kick in the back of my chair or the back of my head smacked but it never came. Robin hasn't bothered me at all since Fridays dinner with his family. Everything was going good at school. Surprisingly.

"Excuse me, Mrs J?" I asked as I raised my hand. "Yes Finney?" She responded. "Can i use the bathroom please?" I asked. "I don't know CAN you go to the bathroom Mr Blake?" she said, emphasizing the "can". Is she serious right now. This is so embarrassing, she's doing this in front of the whole damn class.

"I don't know, CAN I? I'm asking a question you can't respond with a question back, Mrs J." I said, also emphasizing the "can". She sighed and said "I believe the correct way is saying, MAY i go to the bathroom." "So can i go?" I asked. She just sighed and rolled her eyes.

I got up from my seat and went to the door. "Excuse me! I didn't say you could go." She said to me. "And you didn't say i couldn't!" I said as I left the classroom for the bathroom. I could hear people laughing and Robin was just smirking.

*Time skip to lunch*

I was outside eating my lunch with Griffin and Bruce. "So how was everyone's day going?" Bruce asked kindly. "Good." I said. "Since we are are at school, my day is going by so slow." Griffin also said. "Well we are half way done, im sure you will be okay." Bruce said giving a smile and laughing a bit. Me and Griffin smiled in return.

We were all eating our lunch until...

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!" We hear faintly in the distance. "Oh shit a fight!" Griffin said. We all looked at each other and immediately got our bags and ran towards the noise.

We run to the circle of kids. Me and Griffin were pushing past people telling them to move. Bruce was pushing past people but apologizing at the same time.

Once we finally made it to the front of the circle we looked to see who was about to fight. We saw Vance, Robin, Moose, Matty, Matt, and Buzz. Vance and Robin on one side of the circle. And the others on the opposite side. "Woah.. this is probably the biggest fight we have had since 8th grade!" Bruce whisper-yelled. "Yep.." I said. Me, Griffin, and Bruce didn't take our eyes off the 6 kids about to fight.

"You think y'all are sooooo tough huh?" Moose said. Vance and Robin looked at each other and laughed lightly. "I will pound you, like a nail you scrawny lil fag." Moose said to Robin.

When he said this the whole crowd gasped. Was Robin really gay?

When Moose said this, all hell broke loose between the 6 kids. Robin was fighting Moose (like how he was in the movie) while Vance was fighting Matty, Matt, and Buzz. The 3 bullies were pretty weak so Vance had no trouble. That was until Buzz jumped on Vances back.

"WHAT THE SHIT? GET OFF ME." Vance yelled. The crowds cheering grew louder. Most were cheering for who was winning which was obviously Vance and Robin.

Moose was now passed out on the ground. Robin ran over to Vance and ripped Buzz off of Vance and punched him until he was bleeding. While robin was doing that, Vance took care of Matt. The only person that was left was Matty, the biggest asshole of them all.

Matty looked terrified while he was looking at the bloody knuckles of Robin and Vance. I mean, I would be too if i had to fight the both of them. Vance ran behind Matty and grabbed him. As Vance did that, Robin was punching the living hell out of Matty. He dropped to the floor as Vance let go of him. "That's what you fuckers get for messing with us." Vance said. "Don't let it happen again." Robin said.

Moose got back up and ran at Vance. Vance turned quick and punched him right in the face and Moose flew back down. "DING DING DING! KNOCKOUT!!" Robin yelled. Vance and Robin did a handshake and high-fived  at the end. After the fight ended, people started to clear out until it was just Griffin, Vance, Finney, Bruce, Robin, and Billy.

"Woah. That was a lot to take in.." Griffin said. I looked at him still with my face shocked and nodded.  So did Bruce. Billy went up to us. "DID YOU GUYS JUST SEE THAT?!" He yelled. "I mean.. we were standing right in front of the fight so we obviously saw it Billy." Bruce said, kind of annoyed. "Damn what happened to sunshine over there." Billy said to me while giggling and pointing at Bruce.

Bruce stared at billy with his eyebrows furrowed a bit. He looks pissed. The last time we saw Bruce like this was in like 7th grade when he first heard the rumors that Robin was spreading about me. It's weird for Bruce to get mad like this because he is the sweetest boy in Denver, as people say.

"I don't feel safe right now." Billy said. "Oh well! Moving on." Griffin said. "What the hell man!" Billy said. Griffin shrugged. Me, Bruce, Billy, and Griffin walked over to Vance and Robin.

"YOU GUYS LOOKED SO COOL!" Billy said. Vance and Robin smiled. Vances smiled dropped when he saw Bruce. Bruce has his head turned, looking away from the rest of the group with his arms crossed. "Oh shit.." Vance said. The rest of the group looked at Vance and then looked at Bruce.

He was doing the same look and staring at Vance. He shakes his head and started to speed walk back into the school. "BRUCE! WAIT COME BACK IM SORRY!" Vance yelled as he chased after him.

"Okay what's up with Bruce?!" Griffin asked, getting frustrated. "I don't know.." I responded. "Vance promised him that he wouldn't get into any more fights because Bruce was worried about him." Robin said while looking down at the ground. I turn my head to look at him.

"Well why did you fight them?!" I asked Robin. "It's nothing.." He responded. "Bull-shit Robin! There has to be a reason." I said sternly. "Well there isn't, okay?!" He yelled as he walked away.

"Okay what the hell is happening?!" Billy asked. "I have no idea.." Griffin said.


"That's the bell, see you guys later?" I said to Billy and Griffin. "Sure." Griffin said. "Yep. See ya!" Billy said while waving to us. We waved back and went to our next class.

YASSS CHAPTER 5 DONE! and dw you'll see why Robin and Vance beat them up later 😉

there is going to be more brance next chapter!! tysm for reading, i love you guys sm!❤️❤️

1175 words 😱

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