Chapter Three

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Finneys POV:

Why the hell was Robin at my house? And how the FUCK did he get my address?

"Robin? Why are you here?" I asked. He sighed and crossed his arms. "My uncle ran into your dad at the grocery store and apparently they have been friends for a while now." he stated.

WHAT? No way. My dad has friends? And they are ROBINS UNCLE?

"Okay? That still doesn't explain why you are here and how you got my address. What are you stalking me now?" I said back to him. "Oh my fucking god, no i am not. Anyways, i came here to tell you.. my uncle.." he said. He sounded like he didn't want to say it.

"Well? Spit it out! I don't have all day." i said raising my voice a bit. "My uncle invited your family to have dinner at my house on Friday. And he told me your address because he wanted me to tell you." he said, rolling his eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me.?! I have to spend 2 to 3 days a week with you already and now dinner tomorrow after school?!" i shouted. I was very annoyed that i had to spend this much time with my enemy.

"Yeah, looks like we are gonna be hanging out a lot." he said while giving me a nasty smirk. He looked like he had some tricks ready to pull on me. "Great." I said sarcastically as i slammed the door right in his face. "ASSHOLE!" I hear him yell outside the window. I go up to the window, flip him off and shut the blinds.

I pull out my phone and immediately text the group chat.

motherless- Finney
vancesimp- Bruce
homophobic- Griffin


vancesimp- woah. okay

homophobic- ugh fine.

*time skip to when Bruce and Griffin are at Finneys house.*

I was telling Griffin and Bruce about all the stuff that happened with Robin and they were shocked.

"Uh oh. Good luck with that." Bruce said. "Yeah, you have to go tomorrow bc tomorrow is Friday." Griffin said. "I'm so annoyed. I don't want to spend a perfectly good Friday with the Arellano family. Robin will probably be rude to me when the adults aren't looking and then be nice when they are." I complained.

"Okay? Just be mean back. You cant let him walk all over you Finney." Griffin said. "That's a good idea. But what should i do?" I said. "Maybe you should talk bad about him to his uncle. Did he tell his uncle about the tutoring yet?" Griffin asked. "No I don't think he did. Good plan!" I said, high-fiving Griffin.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah." Bruce said putting his hands up. "Wouldn't that be mean?" Bruce asked. "Oh my god, yes Bruce that's the whole purpose."Griffin said. "Okay.." Bruce said. "Weren't you the one who threaten me with a baseball bat like 2 days ago?" Griffin said. "Yeah but that's joke. I wasn't serious about hurting you." Bruce said. "Oh okay. Well i'm serious." Griffin said as he got up and chased Bruce around my house.

"WOAH WHAT HECK MAN??" Bruce yelled. Bruce and Griffin were yelling and chasing each other while i just watched them and laughed.

*Time skip to tomorrow after school*

Today during school Robin didn't bother me at all. Weird. Im on my way to go to dinner at his house right now. I was wearing a black shirt, black pants and a couple of rings. I didn't really care what i was wearing.

We got to Robins house and my dad knocked on the door. "This is gonna be weird seeing dad be nice to someone." Gwen whispered to me. I let out a little laughing.

"You kids better behave. If you don't you know what will happen later." My dad said. "Okay dad." We both said. Robin opened the door and let us in.

He was wearing a black tank top, black pants, and a dark blue bandanna around his head with his hair out. He smiled lightly to Gwen and my dad. When he saw me I expected a dirty look but instead he smiled brightly.

"Finn! Hey man how you been?" He said smiling. "We have to act nice to each other or else my uncle will be mad at me." he said through his teeth. I nodded and played along.

"Hey Robin! I've been good, you?" I said returning the bright smile. "Good!" He said as he pulled me in for a hug. "We didn't really have to do this hug." i said whispering. "Shut the fuck up my uncles watching us." He said whispering and smiling.

After his uncle looked away we pushed each other away almost immediately. Great, now i smell like the cheap cologne that Robin had put on.

*10 minute time skip.*

We were now all eating dinner. Robin and his older sister, Ruby, we're sitting right in front of me and Gwen. While the adults sat across from each other on the ends of the table.

(sorry about the bad hand writing, i was writing with my finger😭)

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(sorry about the bad hand writing, i was writing with my finger😭)

Molly, Robins Uncle, and my dad were all talking as me, Gwen, and Robin stayed silent. Gwen knew about all the stuff Robin has done to me. She doesn't like him either and she said she would gladly beat him up. But i don't let her, and i have no idea why...

SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER! I wrote this at like 4 in the morning so i was tired but i will try to have chapter 4 come out later! i love you guys!!❤️❤️

953 words😍

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