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The group had only been on their journey for a few hours thus far. Tatum was quiet for the majority of time, her mind racing.

She wondered if she made the right call coming, and she wondered if it could have been better to convince Taissa to call the whole plan off. There was just something so wrong about it, a seemingly unavoidable doom in Tatum's near future.

"You okay?" Van asked, her eyes scanning over Tatum's face, effectively snapping the brunette out of her thoughts, "you've been kind of...off since we left."

Tatum took in Van's words, exhaling deeply as she avoided the redhead's gaze. She was unable to ignore the pit in her stomach growing the longer they trudged on.

However, the brunette didn't want to think about that. Instead, she refocused her efforts on Van, who was now walking besides the brunette. The kiss the two shared earlier left Tatum with many questions, and Tatum secretly hoped kissing Van would become a regular thing.

"You've just...given me a lot to think about, is all." Tatum finally decided on as a reply, adjusting the ponytail that sat at the back of her neck.

Van's eyebrows furrowed as she bit her lip in thought. She slowed her pace, waiting until they were out of earshot from the group before speaking up.

"Is this about..." Van's voice dropped to a whisper, "the kiss?"

Tatum looked to Van, opening her mouth to speak. However, Van cut her off and began to ramble nervously.

"I mean...if it is, you can tell me, you know? If it weirded you out or made you uncomfortable—I'm sorry, and we can pretend it never happened, but I'm not going to lie and act I don't like you like that, because I do...but can you blame me? I mean look at you and—"

"Van—" Tatum interrupted, shaking her head. She slowed her steps as she took Van's hand in hers gently, "this has nothing to do with the kiss. I promise."

Van glanced to the girls ahead, checking to make sure none of them were paying attention to the two. The redhead quickly pressed her lips to Tatum's, pulling away with a cheeky smile across her lips as she caught up with the group.

Tatum's stomach swirled with butterflies as she lightly jogged to catch up with the others, and the two went their separate ways and engaged in conversations with the girls.

The brunette had found herself speaking with Mari, her attention not fully focused on the girl as she overheard Taissa and Van's conversation.

The two were talking about Van's necklace, which Tatum learned was a gift from Lottie. Taissa thought the necklace was stupid, and Van defended her point that Lottie thought it would protect her.

Van trusted Lottie's opinion, for a reason Tatum didn't quite understand. Taissa seemed to share Tatum's skepticism for the raven-haired girl's prophecies. Regardless, it wasn't Tatum's business as she returned to her conversation.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆; Van PalmerWhere stories live. Discover now