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The previous night was a blur of unspoken anxieties. Taissa had been up late preparing everything for her departure the next morning, and it was clear Van had done everything in her power to try and talk her out of the plan.

"Tai, everyone thinks this is a bad idea." Van spoke, yet again, and she ran a hand down her face. The redhead was bouncing her leg anxiously as she stared at her best friend.

It was early in the morning—barely a couple of hours after sunrise. It seemed nobody in the cabin was able to sleep after Taissa's announcement. A few of the girls were sat in a small huddle outside of the cabin, as they tried to formate a solid plan of action.

Taissa shrugged slightly in response to Van's earlier statement. "Well, we have to do something." She decided. "We're starving. There's nothing to hunt."

"The animals might be migrating." Misty tried, a hand on her knee as she offered her suggestion.

Taissa nodded as she considered the girl's words. "That's probably why the only game we've seen for weeks was the one sick deer. And it's just gonna keep getting colder—and not 'I better put on a coat' cold. We're talking 'dying feels like falling asleep' cold."

Tatum swallowed uncomfortably at Taissa's words as goosebumps littered across her skin. She had a point, it was true, but Tatum had a terrible idea about this plan. There was a telling in her gut that it wouldn't end well.

Laura Lee rubbed a hand down her neck to ease her discomfort, turning to Lottie. "What do you think, Lottie?"

Tatum turned her attention to the raven-haired girl, whose head was down as she seemed zoned out of the conversation. After a few seconds, she realized all eyes were on her as she spoke up softly.

"I don't know."

"Look, guys, anyone who wants to come with me is welcome, but I'm going." Taissa spoke with a sense of determination, continuing to stay firm to her plan.

Akilah spoke up from where she stood, arms crossed over her chest, "you're going to want to take stuff with you, right? Like food and supplies? That's not up to you."

Shauna scoffed. "Well, you can't just send her out there with nothing."

"This is insane." Van declared, frustration evident in her tone. "We don't know where we are—just that we're surrounded by big ass mountains. What are you now, Edmund fucking Hillary?"

"Who?" Mari questioned, as the redhead glared at the girl and didn't reply.

Tatum glanced to Van with a sympathetic frown. She knew the redhead was weary of her best friend taking off, especially when there was no guarantee she'd come back safely—or even at all.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆; Van PalmerWhere stories live. Discover now