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A few days later, Tatum and a few other girls had gone into the forest. The meat supply was, once again, running low—and the girls had volunteered to go out to attempt to find more food. Berries were their best bet, but it seemed that the girls had picked the bushes dry weeks ago.

With each bush, Tatum had no luck in finding anything remotely edible. Anything she did find was quickly shot down by Akilah for being dangerous. At this point, Tatum was willing to take her chances with a poison berry. Resources were growing scarcer by the day, less common with each whisp of the wind.

"How the fuck are there no fucking berries?" Mari huffed exasperatingly, kicking the empty bush in frustration. The brunette stared down at her empty bucket with a frown.

Akilah pressed a hand to her temple, shaking her head as a deep sigh passed her lips. "The birds could be picking them off...or mice."

"I'd eat the crap out of a mouse right now," Van commented absentmindedly, sat upon a log as she stared off into the trees.

Tatum scrunched up her face in disgust as she turned her head Van's direction. However, it seemed her brain was much more averted to the idea than her stomach, which rumbled as she stood up from her squatting position besides Akilah.

"You know, some animals live off eating their own vomit," Lottie spoke from a few feet away, crouched behind a bush as she attempted to find some food.

"Okay..." Van replied, "thanks for that image, Lot."

"Did Dead Cabin Guy tell you that, or...do you guys just chat about blood and stuff?" Mari teased, an arrogant smile plastered on her face. Tatum rolled her eyes, she didn't have energy for her antics today.

Lottie rolled her eyes, standing up. "No, we mostly talk about how Danny Mears dumped you for his own cousin."

Tatum stifled a laugh into her fist at Lottie's comment, swallowing down a chuckle as she looked to Van. The redhead looked like she was a few seconds from completely loosing it, too.

"They were second cousins," Mari defended, crossing her arms as her cheeks flamed pink in embarrassment. "And that's totally legal, you know."

"Just because it's legal, doesn't make it normal, Mars." Tatum replied, as Mari huffed and rolled her eyes, venturing further into the forest to find more berries. Akilah trailed behind her, making sure she didn't get lost.

As Tatum watched Mari and Akilah disappear into the dense foliage, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The forest seemed to close in around her, its towering trees creating an eerie canopy that blocked out the sun. She shivered, a chill running down her spine as a gust of wind rustled the leaves.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆; Van PalmerWhere stories live. Discover now