My Fight for your love

Start from the beginning

"No that's not tr-"

"Do you not understand? If I give her this signature. She would be gone. Her contract says anything related to her would be hidden from us. We can't even find her legally. It would be over. Do you getting that? Over."

Dexton said as his hands banged on the table.

Ezra was silent. Would he be able to lose her when he had just found her?

"So what should we do? I hate it. I hate that even you said we would regret everything we were doing I didn't stop. We forced you to part with her. You lost her. She became cold. She didn't come to us anymore. I don't want to loose her but her nightmares had now become mine too. What should we do,Dexton?" Ezra said as his eyes watered.

"We can't do anything."

Dexton said as his eyes softened as he go around the table to Ezra and rubbed his shoulder.

"We could wait and hope we could at least maintain a relationship after she went away from us. She could forgive us enough to let us know where she is? How is she doing?"

Dexton sighed.

"I want a promise from you."

Ezra said as his eyes showed pure determination.

"If she came to you again and asked to sign her papers. You would do it. You would not halt her anymore."

Ezra said as his eyes begged him. Sexton eyes show reluctance but he knew somewhere Ezra was right. She did not deserve it.

"I promise. I would." Dexton said as he felt himself in dark abyss again. Fulfilling his brothers demand. His company. Every decision was his at last.

Ezra nodded as he waled out of the office. Before he could exit the door. He looked at his brother again.

"Everything is not your fault. Dexton. You did whatever you could."

He said as he finally went out of there.

Dexton fisted his hands as he looked at the gardens illuminated by dim lights.
He just wanted Shaira to stay. He would do anything to undo the damage but he knew he could never heal her. Especially his family could never heal her.

Looking at the papers. He sighed and call his secretary.

"Paul. Call dad. I want to have a chat with him."


Shaira had won the preliminary round for musician with ease. Her eyes shined Whenever she went one step ahead in the competition. She craved for win. She wanted to make herself known for the recognition before but now her mind always wander thinking about it. Her mind always pushed her back thinking she was doing this for same reasons as validation but now her mind took a beat to say it. She knew a doubt in her dark voice was an indication something positive is shifting in her.

Her line of thoughts were broken as the the her ticket to finale cum invitation card for her finale was taken by her one and only heart influencer-as she called him secretly- snatched the paper for her hands.

His eyes widen as he saw the contents.

"Hey! Don't you-"

"You got selected in top ten all over the country. Congratulations Cub. I am so happy for you."

Sebestian laughed in excitement. His voice rich as timber. Shaira could not help but blush because before he had never him laugh but now he was laughing more in front of her which by the way looked sexy to him.

"Don't fake surprise when you were in all of my prilimnary rounds."

Sebestian gets slightly widen even his overall expression remained same.

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