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Mick Metas was shaking in fear while he confessed what he did to his brother. He was battling with his conscience since he didn't want to involve his brother in his own fuck-up but it has come to this. The gangster he owes will surely kill him before he knows it.

"I swear, phi. I only tried to pass off a small amount until I got the hang of it. It was so easy and then the gambling happened. I've gotten worse and worse and the boss noticed. He has given me an ultimatum. I don't know what to do." Mick tells his brother whose forehead was creasing, hearing all his confessions, when he was tricked into thinking that Mick was living life as a normal college student.

Mick and Win were left by their parents in front of an orphanage because they both decided they were too young to be thinking of a family. The only remnant of their parents was a letter of apology and an admission of their naivety.

"How much do you owe this gangster?" Win asks his brother, also unsure of what to do.

"I stole about $10,000, phi." Mick says.

Win massages his temples upon hearing the exact figures. Sure, he works at a company that pays him enough to survive but there was no way he would get that amount even if he works all year.

"Mick, I can barely even buy shoes worth ฿2,000. I do not have that amount. I've also been paying for your university but it turns out you're not attending. You know what, I love you dearly, and you're my only family in this world but what the fuck?" Win cannot help but shout in frustration.

"I'm so sorry, phi. I really just wanted to make my own money so I would not cause you any more trouble but it turned out to be a bad decision. I should've known resorting to illegal work was never the solution." Mick cries.

He was dealing drugs for the gangster he owed and he stole the funds from his dealings. It took about a month after he was caught because his loot started small.

It didn't help that he had a new found obsession in poker. At the table, Mick feels like he's most powerful. Until he lost it all when he willingly went all-in with just a pair in his hand.

Win was lost. He couldn't afford seeing his own brother get killed by some unknown gangster under his guidance but he also literally cannot afford to pay the amount said brother stole.

Loans? Another reason to get killed and/or jailed if he doesn't pay. Win does not have any property that'll amount to $10,000. Maybe, he could ask the gangster to shoot him on the spot for all these to end.

He knew that the gangster was a notorious criminal who gets away with the law because ironically, Bright Vachirawit was a lawyer before he ended up on the illegal side of things. Bright is the gangster Mick was talking about and he knows that no matter how good they hide, he will find them.

Either way, they will be dead.

Win was depressed. It would be 18 hours before the meeting Bright has set with Mick and there would be no $10,000 that would magically pop in his way. It was almost like living a nightmare. He was sure he would not sleep tonight.

In 18 hours, Win and Mick would either be alive and suffering or have their brains scattered on the floor. Win looked at his weeping brother right beside him, he didn't comfort him because he knows they are up for the worst.

He hugs him and they weep together.

Win watches the clock as it moves nearer to the time of their meeting. Win would go with Mick and if they both had to beg for forgiveness, Win would set aside his pride.

Tik tok. Tik tok. Tik tok.

The clock strikes at 3am and it was time for them to move. Win taps his brother to wake him up and they both prepare to meet their demise dressed in all black with the name Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree.

It's safe to say that Win has seen enough movies to know what to expect with gangsters. They live in sketchy places in sketchy neighborhoods but Bright asked to meet in a modest house who did not look like it houses notorious criminals. It did not look worthy of suspicion. At all. Win has to give Bright that.

Win's heartbeat triples when Mick knocks on the door twice–as per instruction. They are greeted by two big men in suits who hid guns in the most unexpected places. Win took a deep breath as he sees Bright's back.

The gangster has the biggest golden chain hanging around his neck. Bright screamed of power, even if Win has only seen the half of him.

They kneeled in front of Bright and the latter asks for a cigarette. He starts smoking before he spoke.

"Talk." Bright orders. Mick shudders but he starts talking.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I did not mean to steal so much from you and the organization but I developed a gambling addiction and I lost all of the money." Mick confesses.

"That's not what I want to hear, Metas. Where the heck is my money?" Bright says, this time with venom in his words.

Win flinches and Bright notices him. The gangster turned his gaze on the little thief's brother and decides to speak to him.

"And who are you?" Bright asks Win.

"He's my brother, Sir." Mick answers for him.

"I am not asking you, Metas. I am talking to him." Bright points at Win.

"W-win Metawin, Sir. I am Mick's older brother." Win finally manages to answer.

Bright looks at the man from head to toe. He had skin as white as snow and luscious lips that would put anyone else's to shame. It was an understatement to say that he was Bright's type. There was a certain innocence to Win that intrigues Bright. He wonders what he will look like if he was free from the shackles of his innocence.

Bright turns to Mick once again.

"I don't need your money. I want him." He simply says.

Win was surprised at his proposition. Why the fuck would this man want him?

"I-i am here, Sir. I believe I can decide for myself. I am not a thing." Win reminds Bright.

"Feisty, aren't you, little bunny? I like that. Spend 10 days with me and your little brother will be as free as a bird. I no longer want the money. I want you." Bright states and Win stares at him in utter confusion.

Someone slap Win to wake him up from this nightmare.

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