Chapter 19

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~2 months later~

"Are you ready?" Mingi asked Seonghwa as his husband finished getting dressed. It had been two months since they rescued Yunho from Yongguk and they were able to kill Yongguk and his followers. Wooyoung, Yunho, and Seonghwa had fully healed. When Yunho saw that Wooyoung was alive he broke down in tears and Wooyoung held him tight. Ever since then they had become very close along with Jongho. After loosing Yeosang, Wooyoung and Yunho both comforted Jongho. The three of them were helping each other heal, the loss of Yeosang impacted them greatly. Mingi was happy that they had each other especially sense he would be busy with several duties after today. 

It was Seonghwa's coronation. Today he was officially going to become king of the dragon realm. "I've been ready for this my whole life, I'm just glad you're here with me" He smiled gently kissing Mingi on the lips. "Let's go we mustn't keep your subjects waiting" he smiled. The two made their way to the throne room where Hongjoong, Jongho, San, Yunho, and Wooyoung waited along with the rest of his court. When the doors to the throne room opened everyone turned their attention to their future king. Seonghwa held his head high as we walked towards his throne. Everyone bowed as he passed. Seonghwa walked up the steps, his gown flowing elegantly behind him. 

Mingi followed behind him, he was dressed just as elegantly as his husband was as he stood next to him. Hongjoong approached Seonghwa with the crown in his hand. It was a large golden crown with beautiful jewels embedded in the base. At the top were two dragons, their tails intertwined while they face each other, their flames melding together. Hongjoong faced the audience, "today we gather here to crown our king. I know the realm has been waiting for this moment and after everything that has happened, let us remember this day as a new beginning." He faced Seonghwa nodding to him. Seonghwa kneeled down. "Once I place this crown on your head, it is a promise to rule and protect the realm and all its subjects" Hongjoong told him. "I promise to be a benevolent King that will listen to his people and help this realm prosper" he promised. Hongjoong placed the crown on Seonghwa's head. 

The weight of it solidifying that he was finally king. Once he stood Mingi slipped his hand into Seonghwa's the smile on his face never leaving. "I now present you King Seonghwa" Hongjoong announced to the crowd. "Long live, King Seonghwa! May his rule benefit the realm!" Everyone shouted. "Now let's enjoy the feast we prepared in your honor your highness" Hongjoong announced,  as the servants brought in trays full of food. Seonghwa sat on his throne and Mingi sat in the chair next to him as trays of food were placed in front of them. "Congratulations your majesty" Mingi playfully nudged him. Seonghwa hummed, "I think I like the sound of my new title from your lips" he leaned closer to his mate. 

Mingi leaned closer, their faces were inches apart. "I think I like the sound of it too" he kissed him. Seonghwa kissed him back pulling away slowly. "I love you Mingi" he whispered to him. Mingi smiled, "I love you too my king". They shared one more kiss before turning their attention back to their friends. As he looked out at everyone, seeing them laughing and smiling, Mingi was happy that fate mated him with his handsome dragon king. As Seonghwa looked at Mingi, the dragon was happy that fate mated him with his perfect human knight. 

~the end~

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