Chapter 6

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~three weeks later~ 

Mingi hasn't seen Seonghwa since the dragon told him he was his mate. He was hoping to have spent some time with the dragon to get to know him a bit better before the wedding but he would have all the time after the wedding to get to know him. Even though he didn't see Seonghwa, he did see Hongjoong quite a bit. The royal advisor spent a lot of time in the human realm speaking with Yeosang about the wedding preparations. He spoke with Mingi as well, informing him about what his role would be during the ceremony. Mingi was honestly nervous, this would be the first wedding attended by both realms.

The wedding date had finally arrived. It was going to be held in the human realm since traveling to the dragon realm would be difficult for humans, but dragons could easily travel to the human realm. Mingi was sitting in his room, as court ladies filed in with various garments in their hands that would make up his wedding outfit. Mingi sat still as a court maid combed through his hair to ensure that it was free of knots. It felt weird to have someone else comb through his hair, the male normally doing it himself.  The maid carefully gathered Mingi's hair in her hands, tying it into his usual top bun. She grabbed a medium sized golden crown that had two dragons placed on the top, each with a ruby in their mouth. She placed the crown on top of Mingi's head, the weight of it not something he was used to. 

"Please stand your highness so you can get dressed" the maid spoke once she was finished securing the crown to his head. Mingi stood making his way over to the rest of the maids. It felt weird for him to be called with such a formal title, it was another thing he would have to get used to. Mingi was only wearing the first later of his wedding outfit, just a simple thin white undergarment. Hongjoong informed him that he would be wearing many layers, and would be heavy in order to represent the weight of being a ruler of the dragon realm. Mingi held his arms out, watching as one by one the maids came up to add another layer of fabric to his frame. 

When he was finished Mingi felt like a thousand pounds, he had no idea how royalty could spend hours like this. He shifted a bit hoping to adjust the fabric around his shoulders. "Is everything to your liking?" A maid asked as she brought a mirror over to Mingi. He looked at his reflection and was taken aback by what he saw. The hanbok was a beautiful deep red color, with gold dragons embroidered throughout the entire top. At the bottom of the top there were gold embroidered flames that seemed to dance with his movements. He didn't recognize himself, he looked like royalty, "I look…beautiful " his words came out in a whisper. 

The  court maid couldn't help but smile, she had watched Mingi grow and to see him like this made her heart swell with pride. The doors to Mingi room opened and Wooyoung stepped in, "woah, you look amazing" he stopped his his tracks as he took in Mingi's appearance. Mingi turned to look at his friend ,his movements a bit slow due to the weight of his clothes. "You look quite handsome yourself" he complimented his friend. Wooyoung was wearing a dark blue hanbok that was tied at the waist, showing off his figure. There were silver dragons threaded through the fabric. He had a matching band around his head and his hair was down cascading over his shoulders. Wooyoung carried his sword in his hand, the black sheath had silver flowers decorating it. 

Wooyoung puffed out his chest at Mingi's compliment with a smile on his face. "I've come to receive you, the palanquin is ready for departure " he informed his friend. Mingi nodded taking a deep breath,  "alright let's go get married" . He willed his feet to move. Wooyoung followed behind him the two stopping at the palanquin. Mingi recognized it as one of the ones Yunho would ride, the guard having walked beside it on many occasions. Wooyoung helped Mingi climb inside the palanquin. Once he was safely inside Wooyoung turned to the six holder's,  "we can depart". The six males each grabbed one wooden arm, placing it over their shoulders and began walking. Wooyoung stayed next to the little window in case Mingi needed something from him as they made their way to the wedding ceremony. 

A Dragon and His Knight (HwaGi)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя