Chapter 7

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Mingi awoke to the sound of the windows being opened to let in the fresh morning air. He sat up from the bed rubbing the sleep from his eyes. For a moment he forgot where he was as his eyes adjusted to the unfamiliar room. As his mind cleared from the drowsiness of sleep his memories came back as well. "Oh right…im married now" he mumbled to himself, the cut on his hand now a scar reminding him of yesterday's events. "Good morning your highness, my name is Yeji and I'll be your court maid from now on, your breakfast has been brought " the ice dragon spoke as she motioned toward the table that was covered in various dishes. Mingi had never seen so much food in his life, even when Yunho had his meals his spread was never this grand. 

"Oh! Did Seonghwa come back last night?" Mingi asked as Yeji brought the table closer to him. "No, he ended up falling asleep in the library, but he did come back here to change clothes for the day, he didn't want to disturb your sleep so he left quietly", she answered, kneeling in front of the table. Mingi watched as Yeji removed each over from the dishes, the smell hitting his nose and making his stomach grumble. "Are we not eating breakfast together?" Mingi asked. He was hoping he would get to spend some alone time with Seonghwa and get to know the dragon more. "His majesty has already eaten breakfast" Yeji spoke as she picked up a pair of chopsticks and began taking a bite of each food. 

Mingi slumped a bit at that, he knew Seonghwa would probably be busy with his princely duties but he was hoping Seonghwa would make some time to see him. "It's safe to eat" Yeji placed the chopsticks back down. "Thank you, and just call me Mingi, I'm not deserving of the formal title I'm hardly royalty" he muttered shyly. Yeji looked at him her ice blue eyes piercing, "his highness Prince Seonghwa insisted we call you your highness, but to compromise I will only refer to you as such in the presence of others". Mingi smiled at that, "I can work with that". Yeji stood from her kneeling position by the tables, "enjoy your breakfast, San will be here shortly to escort you to see his highness" she bowed at him before leaving. 

Mingi picked up his chopsticks, his eyes scanning over the vast spread of food. He picked up a mini korean pancake, taking a bite. He hummed happily at the flavors as he continued to eat. At least he'll be able to see Seonghwa today. Mingi continued to enjoy his breakfast when San came in with a garment in his hands. "Good morning your highness" San's voice was rather cheery so early in the morning. "Please, just call me Mingi" he had a feeling he would be repeating that a lot today. San gently placed the outfit next to Mingi on the bed, "Good morning Mingi, how did you sleep?" The water dragon asked, turning his blue eyes towards him. Mingi would really have to get used to all the abnormal eye colors around him. 

"I slept well" Mingi answered watching as San moved the table away from him. "I'm sure you're rather disappointed at that, you were probably expecting not to sleep at all last night". San's comment made Mingi's face heat up from embarrassment, he forgot that he and Seonghwa were supposed to consummate the marriage in order to complete the mating bond. San noticed Mingi's expression chuckling to himself, "I brought your clothes for the day, after you get dressed I'll bring you to his highness, he wishes to see you then I'll give you a tour of the palace" he explained. Mingi stood up, "that sounds good" he began undressing.

San grabbed the discarded clothes, placing them somewhere in a neat pile, he would ask Yeji to take them to be washed. He watched as Mingi grabbed the first layer of the garment, "let me help you" San offered. "I can do it, you don't need to help me" Mingi gave San a quick smile. San remained silent as he stepped back so Mingi could dress himself. Once Mingi was done getting dressed, he quickly tied his hair into a high bun. "There's one more thing " San held up a small golden crown. Mingi looked at it, he honestly was expecting to get anything like a crown. He thought his first and last time wearing one would be at the ceremony. "This is for you to wear" San said, placing on the crown over Mingi's bun and secured it in place with a few pins. 

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