Chapter 9

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The next morning things were tense within the palace. The storm had yet to lift Seonghwa's mood still sour. He was currently in the throne room pacing back and forth in anger. The argument between him and Mingi still fresh in his mind. Hongjoong, San, and Jongho watched their prince as he continued to pace. It had been a while since they'd seen their prince this upset. "Can you believe him? Did I do something wrong to deserve this? How could the universe give me him as mate when all he does is disrespect me? Like I found him in a brothel a fucking brothel with his dick in some whore's mouth, and can you believe he called this place a prison? This palace a prison he's really lost his mind" Seonghwa ranted as he paced.

"He's right" San's words caused Seonghwa to stop in his tracks. Jongho and Hongjoong turned to San, the expression on his face was serious. "What was that San?" Seonghwa walked closer to the dragon. "Mingi is right, this place is a prison" he watched as Seonghwa glared. "Care to explain?" He raised an eyebrow. Jongho placed a hand on San's shoulder, "San don't" his voice was calm. The guard wanted to avoid another argument, if the storm outside picked up like it did last night the dragon realm might truly be washed away. San shook Jongho's hand off his shoulder, "forgive me your highness but if I was in Mingi's position I would have ran away too. You basically banned him from going to the human realm to see his friends every time he asked for your permission to leave you'd decline it, you told him not to seek you you and you actively avoid him, he has no friends here. Jongho and I try our best to spend time with him but we are also very busy. The other servants basically only see him when necessary and even then they never speak to him more than what they need to. You know who he talks to the most here? The fucking koi fish, he considers them his friends. You aren't the only one who is affected by the mating bond, your highness, in fact Mingi is giving up more for you. He's moved away from the life he knows, and is living in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people. So, yes this palace is a prison to him". 

San finished his rant, his eyes were blazing with anger. He hated how Seonghwa was treating Mingi. The servant didn't think the human deserved the treatment, he found Mingi to be really kind and a genuinely good person. He hated seeing how hurt Seonghwa's actions have made him. Seonghwa stood there stunned, San had never spoken to him like that before. "I agree with San your highness, your treatment of Mingi is undeserved. You two need to spend some time together and get to know each other. I'm not saying you two need to fall in love but in order for this marriage to work there needs to be some respect. If you keep this up Mingi will run away again and what happens if you can't find him or something worse happens?" Hongjoong spoke this time. He also didn't like how Seonghwa was treating Mingi, he knew his highness wasn't normally like this.

Seonghwa took in a deep breath as he took in their words. He looked back on the past month and how he treated Mingi. They were right, he was unreasonably harsh to the human. Even though he wasn't very happy with their mating bond, there was nothing he could do the change it. Mingi was his mate and husband now and he deserved to be treated as such, after all he did give up his life in the human realm to live in the dragon realm with Seonghwa and his people. "You're right…I have been harsh on Mingi and he doesn't deserve it. I should get to know him, after all we're bound together for all eternity. Plus, how can I take the throne and rule over my subjects if I can't even respect my husband" Seonghwa finally calmed, the storm lifting outside proof of that. 

San smiled his dimples on display,"There's the prince I agreed to follow". Seonghwa rolled his eyes at the water dragon, "I never thought I'd be scolded by you, you've been hanging around Hongjoong too much, he's rubbing off on you" "what can I say, when you spend so much time with someone you start picking up their mannerisms, you should be lucky Hongjoong didn't pick up my mischievous nature" San said smirking. "Yes, but both of you need to stop being so loud when y'all have sex, especially since your room is next to mine San" Jongho crossed his arms over his chest. Hongjoong sighed, "I tried to get him to just come to my room and night but San knows you get embarrassed when you hear us and he finds it funny".

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