Chapter 12

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️: explicit sexual content

~three weeks later~ 

It's been three weeks since Hwasa attempted to kill Mingi. The human was now fully healed; the only physical evidence of the attack was the scar on his chest that went from his left shoulder to his right hip. It rained the whole time Mingi was healing. Seonghwa had never felt so scared and enraged. He wanted to tear apart the realm and look for Yongguk and Hwasa to make them pay for what they did to Mingi, but he couldn't leave his side, the dragon scared that Mingi wouldn't heal. Even though the royal physician told Seonghwa that Mingi was going to be fine thanks to the horn he had brought back. He was still scared, for the first week Mingi was in a coma. Seeing Mingi looking so lifeless and pale shook Seonghwa to his core. 

Now that Mingi was fully healed, Seonghwa finally felt comfortable leaving his husband's side. Currently he was in the throne room meeting with Hongjoong and Jongho to finally discuss the incident. "I never would've expected Yongguk to be so reckless and attack Mingi when you were around. Even if Hwasa lured him away from you, you would've sensed he wasn't close anymore " Hongjoong started off crossing his arms over his chest. "Yongguk has always been reckless, when he tried to kill his highness last time he attacked in front of the officials" Jongho reminded Hongjoong. Seonghwa considered Yongguk like a brother, the two were close friends similar to Wooyoung and Mingi. They grew up together and had fond memories together. Yongguk was even supposed to be Seonghwa's royal advisor but instead he chose to be in the ministry of war.

 However, Seonghwa didn't know that Yongguk was jealous of him. The ice dragon wanted to take the throne for himself believing that the dragon realm needed a new bloodline of rulers. Especially after Yongguk had found his mate Hwasa and matured into a full dragon while Seonghwa was still a fledgling. So, he began plotting with several members in Seonghwa's royal court to dispose of the crown prince. Yongguk had attacked Seonghwa during a meeting with the court officials. Jongho and the royal guard were able to protect him and disarm Yongguk and his followers. Enraged and betrayed Seonghwa banned Yongguk and his followers from the palace and threatened that if they ever tried to return they would be executed. That was nearly a thousand years ago and Yongguk had remained quiet since then. 

"How did they find out about Mingi? It's obvious they know that you two haven't completed the mating bond. They must've planned to kill him so you can never become king" Hongjoong asked, rubbing his chin in thought. "Knowing how they operated last time, they had a spy somewhere in the palace," Seonghwa spoke this time. "Do you think it's a person again? Someone within the royal court or maybe a servant?" Jongho remembered from last time that one of Seonghwa's servants was giving Yongguk information. Seonghwa shook his head, "that would be too risky, even then everyone who has ties to yongguk was exiled from the palace". Hongjoong was deep in thought, "should we ask around to see if anyone noticed anything off?" "That would be best" Seonghwa agreed. He turned his attention to Jongho, "Jongho take some members of the royal guard and ask around the palace if anyone has noticed anything off". The fire dragon nodded, bowing to Seonghwa before exiting the room. 

"Do you think Yongguk will attack again? Especially after how you left Hwasa" Hongjoong asked. "He would be stupid enough to attack so soon especially since we know what he's up to. He'll probably lay low for a bit, collect his thoughts and figure out another plan" Seonghwa sighed, "though we should remain vigilant, we'll need to increase the patrols throughout the day and I'll have Mingi stay in my quarters for now on" he couldn't risk another surprise attack on Mingi. Hongjoong nodded, "I'll make the proper arrangements" he watched as Seonghwa stood from his throne. "Where are you going?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm going to bathe, I'll need to clear my mind from this mess" Seonghwa left the throne room heading to the cave where he normally takes his baths. 

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