Chapter 3

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The clash of metal against metal rang through the air as knights trained in the training ground. Mingi and Wooyoung stood and watched as swords continued to clash as the members of the royal guard went through the training regimen. Wooyoung looked up at the sun, it was close to afternoon. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for your date with his majesty " the shorter males teased wiggling his eyebrows at Mingi. Mingi rolled his eyes, "it's not a date, I am going as King Yunho's royal guard while he hunts pheasants" he crossed his arms over his chest, the muscles bulging showing that his hard training regimen pays off. Wooyoung just hummed, "mmhmm sure, he only ever asks you to go with him, even before we became royal guards he only ever asked you to keep him company when he went hunting" he reminded his friend. "He was just training me on how to properly hold a bow" Mingi defended. 

Wooyoung just gave Mingi an 'I don't buy it look' but didn't say anything further. "How are you feeling today anymore pain?" The guard changed the topic of conversation. Mingi rested his hand on his chest, he hadn't felt the pain in his heart since yesterday. He assumed whatever it happened was just a one time thing. The royal physician came and checked on him when he woke up and gave him a clean bill of health. "No, I guess whatever happened was just some freak incident and won't happen again" he removed his hand from his chest. Wooyoung was glad to hear that. When he saw Mingi collapse in the grand hall yesterday clenching his chest in pain, he was scared that his best friend might have been poisoned. "I better go meet with his majesty at the stables, it would be rude to keep him waiting, don't work them too hard" he patted Wooyoung's shoulder. "No promises" Wooyoung responded back before turning his attention to the rest of the guards. 

Mingi left the training ground and headed to the stable. Luckily Yunho hadn't arrived yet, so he had time to prepare his majesty's horse. Yunho walked over to the beautiful chestnut mare, Apple was her name seeing as it was her favorite snack. Mingi smiled, reaching his hand out so the horse could sniff him. When the horse recognized his familiar scent she leaned into his hand, her soft hair felt silky under Mingi's palm. "Ready to have some fun today girl" Mingi gently petted the horse. Apple stomped on the grown showing her excitement. Mingi opened up the stall going inside with her, "let's get you ready then shall we" he smiled at the horse as he grabbed her saddle placing it onto her strong back. Apple stood still, knowing the routine. Once Mingi secured the saddle he double checked to make sure it was on tightly so Yunho didn't slip off. Then he grabbed his arrow holder strapping it into the horse as well. 

"Oh! Mingi you're hear already" Yunho's cheery voice brought his attention to the prince. Yunho had his brown hair tied in a ponytail. He had a dark blue silk head band wrapped around his forehead keeping his bangs out of his eyes. His hanbok matched the head band, koi fish in silver was threaded throughout. He also had his bow and arrows in his hand. "I thought I'd get here early so I could get Apple ready" Mingi gently patted the horse's side. Yunho smiled when Apple leaned her face towards him, she always loved Yunho's attention. Shifting his arrows into the other hand, he gently rubbed her face the horse letting out a breath of hair in happiness. 

"I appreciate it, I can do the rest while you get your horse ready" Yunho came into the stall. Mingi nodded,  leaving the stall and making his way a few stalls over to his own horse. It was a black  horse named thunder, he found the name fitting due to the sound the massive horses' hooves made when he runs. Mingi gently patted his horse as he stepped into the stall. The stallions tail flicked in happiness at the touch. "We're going to go on a little adventure boy" Mingi spoke to the horse as he grabbed his saddle. Thunder neighed stomping his hooves on the ground at his owner's words. Once Thunder was ready to go Mingi grabbed his reins and led him off the stall. Apple and Yunho were already waiting for him outside the stable. Once Mingi and Thunder met with Yunho and Apple, the little hunting party departed. Mingi and Yunho led their horses by the reins towards north gate, which gave them a direct path to the forest. 

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