Chapter 16

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Hongjoong ran as fast as he could towards Seonghwa's corridor. He threw the door open walking into the dark room. He quickly lit a few candles so the room was illuminated just enough for him to see. Seonghwa and Mingi were asleep on Seonghwa's bed, the dragon holding his husband close. "Your highness, you must awaken" Hongjoong shook both males frantically. Seonghwa groaned brushing Hongjoong's hands off him, "go away" he mumbled burying his face into Mingi's bare shoulder. Hongjoong shook him again this time more aggressively, "it's urgent King Yunho's palace is under attack, it's burning to the ground". Both Seonghwa and Mingi shot up at those words. 

"What do you mean under attack" Seonghwa asked as he slipped out of the bed, he tossed Mingi his clothes, not wanting Hongjoong to see the male naked. Mingi got dressed under the sheets as Hongjoong spoke.  "A member of Yunho's royal guard arrived saying the palace was under attack. It appears this is Hwasa's doing. She's gathered fire dragons and set the palace on fire" he explained watching as Seonghwa rushed to get dressed. "Is everyone okay? Are Yunho, Wooyoung, and Yeosang okay?" Mingi asked panic as he got out the bed tying his shirt into place. "I don't know, Jongho already left with some of our own men to asses the damage, San is waiting for us at the portal." Hongjoong explained. Mingi was trying his best to control the rising panic in his body. He knew how scary Hwasa could be, he was just hoping his friends made it to safety. 

Seonghwa slipped his hand into Mingi's as the trio quickly made their way to the portal. San was standing there with a worried expression on his face. Tog the four of them walked through the portal appearing inside Yunho's palace. Immediately they were met with the heat of the flames. Mingi gasped as he saw the place he grew up in burning to the ground. Many buildings he had fond memories in were nothing but ash now. "Your highness!" Jongho shouted as he ran over to the group. He has soot on his face and his sword was covered in blood, "we were able to kill most of Hwasa's men, we apprehended a few for questioning back in the dragon realm. Some of my men who are water dragons are putting out the fires" he explained. "And Yunho? Where's he? Or Wooyoung or Yeo?" Mingi asked desperation in his voice. 

Jongho looked at him, "we're still searching for them" his expression showed his panic as well. Since he hasn't had the chance to complete even half the bond with Yeosang he didn't know where his mate was or even if he was alive. He was trying to remain positive but he had a gnawing feeling in his stomach that made his worries rise. Mingi swallowed his throat dry at Jongho's words. "We'll find them, San help put out the fires, Hongjoong help Mingi and I search for survivors, Jongho take the prisoners back to my palace and do whatever you can to get information" Seonghwa ordered. Everyone nodded and San made his way to where the other water dragons were. They were standing by the large lake in the middle of the palace. Gathering his power San pulled the water from the lake, he focused his sights on a building that was burning and tossed the water onto it dousing the fire. While he did that Jongho made his way over to his men that were keeping an eye on the prisoners. There was three of them and Jongho was going to make sure each one of them experienced unexplainable amounts of pain. "Let's go" he ordered. Together he and his men took the prisoners to the dragon realm. 

"I'll go check over there" Hongjoong pointed in the direction he was going to go. Seonghwa nodded before slipping his hand into Mingi's as they went the opposite way. "We'll find them" he gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. As they came up to a building Seonghwa let go of Mingi's hand. The fire had been put out, the charred wood now soaking wet. Carefully the two males moved pieces of wood as they searched for any signs of life. "Wooyoung! Yunho! Yeosang!" Mingi shouted as he continued to search. When they came up empty they moved to a different place. Each place they checked came up empty. Some places were too dangerous to explore. The structures were very weak from the fire and could collapse any moment. Mingi was starting to lose hope.  Seonghwa cupped his face wiping away a few tears that were spilling down his cheeks, "don't lose hope baby we'll find them" his heart ached seeing Mingi like this.

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