Soon they arrived at the other end of the tunnel. Peeking his head out, Mingi scanned the surroundings. Hwasa could be seen pacing the room. It seems that she was the only one inside. Yongguk couldn't be seen. Mingi watched as Hwasa went over to one side of the room to where a cage made of ice was. His jaw clenched when he saw her reach into the cage and grab Yunho's hair, yanking him towards her. Slowly Mingi crept out of the tunnel, his men following behind him. "Let him go!" He shouted, holding his sword tight in his hand. Hwasa turned around a wide smile spreading across her face. She let go of Yunho's hair stalking towards him, "I was wondering when you'd show" she giggled looking at the men behind him. "Only four men? And here I thought I was worth more" she pouted. 

Mingi looked at Yunho, his heart ached when he saw him. Yunho's eyes lit up when he saw Mingi. Hwasa elongated her claws as she looked at Mingi, "I hope you're ready to join your friends in death" she lunged at him. Mingi met her claws with his sword. Behind him, Hwasa's men appeared and were fighting with his men. He could feel the heat of the flames at his back. He clenched his jaw, stepping out of the way when Hwasa's clawed hand brushed against his cheek. He countered hee attack by stepping out the way and slicing at her back. Hwasa hissed in pain as his sword came across her back. She growled using her powers to control a frozen vine that was attached to the wall. The vine wrapped around Mingi's waist pulling him into the air. 

Mingi struggled in its hold trying to cut the vine but the ice around it was too thick for his sword to hack through. Hwasa laughed moving her hand and slammed Mingi into the hard ground. He grunted in pain as the vine pulled him back up. "Come on! Fight harder!" Hwasa shouted as she slammed him back on the ground. Mingi reached into his sleeve pulling out a knife throwing at Hwasa. It hit her in her shoulder causing her to lose focus and the vines grip loosened on him and he dropped to the ground landing on his feet. Hwasa ripped the knife from her shoulder, throwing it to the ground. Mingi lunged at Hwasa but was stopped when a ring of fire appeared around him. The flames were hot as the circle got smaller around him. Solar appeared with a deadly look in her eyes. 

Yunho tensed gripping the bars of ice when Solar appeared. The sight of Mingi in the ring of fire was too familiar to him. He needed to get out of the cage. He looked down around him seeing the knife Hwasa threw a few inches away. He reached through the bars picking it up, slipping it inside his sleeve. "I'm going to be so happy to watch you burn" Solar spoke as she brought the flames closer to him. Mingi back away, hissing when the flames at his back grew hotter. He looked around for a way out but he couldn't see anything but the bright red flames around him. His men were too busy fighting with Hwasa's men. Jongho appeared through from the tunnel entrance, he had only a few men with him the others were still fighting at the bottom of the mountain.

When he saw Mingi in the circle of flames his anger spiked. He walked towards Solar his sword aimed at her, "let him go" he growled out. Both Solar and Hwasa turned to face him. "Well well well if it isn't Jongho, I was wondering when you'd come up for a real fight" Solar smirked as she stalked towards him. "Are you here to avenge the death of your pathetic mate?" Hwasa asked a wide smile spreading across her face, her incisors showing. Jongho clenched his jaw, "shut up" be growled out. "It must sucking loosing the one you loved before you could even complete the bond. Captain of Seonghwa's royal guard yet you couldn't even save your human mate, how embarrassing" Hwasa chuckled. Jongho became engaged at her words. His powers flared up due to his anger. 

Flames spread from him in all directions. At this the men he brought with them lunged at Solar. With her focus on defending herself the circle of fire disappeared. One of Jongho's flames shot out towards Hwasa, the earth dragon jumped out they way. Unlike fire dragons she wasn't immune to fire, if she wasn't careful she'd be burned alive. Without another word Jongho ran towards Hwasa, his fire following behind him. Meanwhile Mingi ran over to Yunho, one of Jongho's flames spread over to the cage. The ice slowly melting. Using his sword Mingi hacked at the ice, it was easier to cut through because it was melting. Once he was able to squeeze his body through, Mingi grabbed Yunho's hand pulling him through the opening. 

A Dragon and His Knight (HwaGi)Where stories live. Discover now