The Truth Chapter 5

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I was just sleeping when I heard a branch falling then I woke up i'm trying to see where it came from but there are not many windows in the tree stump. And saw Moon sleeping and then I got an idea. So I tried to climbed out and I was successful with getting out but then I realize how am I going to get back in? I might just call for Moon or something I don't know how this will play out. Then high saw Moons spiders silk on a tree but I can barely see it, the way how I can see it. It's from the reflection of the bright moonlight.

I walked to the tree and climbed a little bit, I couldn't climb any higher, because I was scared of how high I was, then the tree bark I was climbing on broke and I fell. But I landed on a tree branch and I saw more Moons spider silk then I saw someone and they were pretty hungry and they were stuck in Moons spider silk they saw me and stared at me I was frozen there, confused who this person in front of me was

( )Means character with no name and each of their body types are different

H-Hey get me out of here
You heard me! Get me out of here
🦋Sun.🦋I-I don't
You know what will happen if the other siblings here about this

🦋Sun.🦋Wait, what? I thought I only had one.
You know what, whatever! think that all you want but just GET, ME, OUT, OF, HERE,
🦋Sun.🦋(I backed away a little bit) I am not going to get you out of there
But you know what will happen if the other siblings HERE ABOUT THIS!?

🦋Sun.🦋THE ONLY OTHER SIBLING I HAVE IS MOON!... I don't know who you are... and what you're doing here but! don't you dare call me your other sibling (I was crying a little bit)
(They were looking at me with very big wide eyes look like they were scared)
🦋Sun.🦋(Then I felt something on my shoulder)
🕷️Moon.🕷️Hello there am I interrupting something?

🦋Sun.🦋(I looked behind me to see it was Moon) Hi MOON! sorry I was going to tell you that I was going out of the stump but you were sleeping
🕷️Moon🕷️Oh ok, but may I ask why? (His hand on my shoulder still)
🦋Sun.🦋Oh yes it was just-
HE WAS GETTING ME OUT OF-(muffled sounds)

(Moon spat at them with spider silk, and covered their mouth and Moon polled me closer to him)

🕷️Moon.🕷️Sun continue (he wiped a tear from my eye)
🦋Sun.🦋O-Okay I-I (deep breath) I was just sleeping then I heard a big boom sound I went to check what it was and I think I got distracted. And I climbed a tree by myself! now we are here
🕷️Moon.🕷️Big boom sound? Oh do you mean that dead tree branch what fell?

🦋Sun.🦋Oh is that what it's called?
(Angry Screaming, muffled sounds)

I was very uncomfortable with this stranger and I was starting to feel, hey Moon I think I want to go back to sleep, I said. Oh okay let's get you to the stump then, Moon said. Then Moon pick me up. And I grip on to Moon when he was going down the tree.


I noticed Sun was dozing off. And I overhear Sun's conversation as well but only a little bit, I am surprised he doesn't remember his own sibling. But that makes sense he doesn't remember them, because of the big injury on Sun's head
And the way how it looks only eventually he will forget all about his stupid little siblings!. M-Moon I am starting to feel very cold, Sun said. does anything else feel wrong? I said. No... I just feel... very cold... for some reason, Sun said. Okay let's get you to bed, I said.

Then me and Sun were in the stump I brought Sun to his sleeping area and I sent him down. I immediately noticed what Sun meant by him being cold. when I touched his arm He felt cold and was shivering a little bit. Hey Sun do you feel sick? I said. I-I don't know. I just feel c-cold, Sun said. Okay then it should go away in the morning. I said Covering Sun with a spider silk blanket. Sun went to sleep very quickly. I stayed there next to Sun for a couple of minutes then I went outside of the tree stump after I made sure Sun was asleep.

Then I climbed up the tree. To see Sun sibling still in my Webb. and I ripped off the silk what I have covering their mouth.
  )Means character with no name and each of their body types are different

🕷️Moon.🕷️So a little sly am I web didn't find a way out yet I see.
Shut up What did you do to Sun?
🕷️Moon.🕷️Oh me I didn't do anything but you definitely did.
What do you mean I did, I didn't do anything.
🕷️Moon.🕷️Really you know you were the one who pushed him.

So what would that do and why were you keeping them alive?
🕷️Moon.🕷️Do you know how far it is from the ground up there above the stump, and I can keep Sun alive if I want!
It's not like you spiders to keep someone alive, so what are you getting out of this?

🕷️Moon.🕷️Does it look like I am going to tell you anything? Of course not but I'll tell you one more thing. All of you butterflies always forget about one species of butterfly but Us spiders actually have an instinct to remember.

What do you mean? And still what did you do to Sun?
🕷️Moon.🕷️I said before, and I'll say it again I didn't do anything but you definitely did.
Stop playing around I seriously want to know what you did to Sun!
🕷️Moon.🕷️Oh my god if you won't shut up fine, I'll tell you.
OK great what did you do to Sun?

🕷️Moon.🕷️Ok still not me. when you pushed him off on top of the tipped over tree above my stump. He fell on a very big smooth stone rock. And he almost bleed to death but thank goodness I was there. Oh, and I almost forgot. Sun has Memory loss issues now. As well as 1 blind eye. There are you happy now?

I didn't expect that to happen-
🕷️Moon.🕷️Yeah yeah yeah, stop playing pretend I know that you don't like Sun because you were planning to abandon him here and fly back to the other forest so you can tell your other siblings what you did and all of them would celebrate or something. But sadly you get stuck in my Webb.

🕷️Moon.🕷️Oh, what's wrong? The truth hurts you too much.
Just end me already I'm going to come spider food for you anyways.
🕷️Moon.🕷️HAHAHA you're right!
Can you tell me why are you keeping Sun alive?

🕷️Moon.🕷️Because Sun is a Sun Monarch Butterfly are almost extinct and it's very rare to find them.
Do Sun Monarch Butterfly don't have wings?
🕷️Moon.🕷️NO! there is no leaves of milkweed in the forest where you came from so Sun was unable to have wings.
Really, wait how do you know that there's no leaves of milkweed where I live?
🕷️Moon.🕷️Because you and Sun have a scent trail what led me to your forest I explored and I couldn't find leaves of milkweed so Sun couldn't grow wings because there's no leaves of milkweed.

Wait, so you know the way back home because I forgot.
🕷️Moon.🕷️I told you Already you're not going to be able to leave and you already said you want me to end you.
Well I can't see why you let me stay here instead of letting me go! And you said originally you will let me go if I told you what monarch butterflies eat but I'm still stuck here!

🕷️Moon.🕷️That's why it's called a lie Anyways, I'm going back to my little home.
Wait, what? No don't-

I covered their mouth with my spider silk, so they finally shut up and I was going back to the stump and besides, I don't feel that hungry but I know for sure that butterfly did so I'm gonna leave them there so they can just suffer


🕷️🦋FNAF SUN AND MOON Butterfly Tangled in a Web🦋🕷️Where stories live. Discover now