Chapter 12

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Percy was passed out on Luke's lap in the common room, drooling slightly as he slept. Luke combed a hand through his hair, holding his book in his other hand, attempting to read and struggling to focus on the book rather than the person sleeping in his lap.
The team was scattered around the room, Natasha sitting on the other, bigger, sofa, next to Clint and Cap. Tony was in the arm chair, mumbling as he tapped away on his tablet, and Thor was on the floor (for some unknown reason) munching on pop tarts. Everyone else was out or on a mission.
Luke yawned, one of those big yawns, too, so it was louder than normal and caught Steve's attention, "You two seem pretty tired this morning, you guys alright?"
"Just didn't get much sleep." It technically wasn't a lie, but Steve didn't need to know that Percy had woken up from a nightmare and had spiraled into a panic attack last night. Luke had assumed it was from seeing Hermes, but he didn't mention that, just helped Percy through it and to get back asleep, gaining them about two hours of sleep overall.
Steve hummed and went back to reading. It grew quiet, a calm washing over the common room. Luke appreciated it as he looked at his boyfriend, Percy's brow was furrowed, Luke noticed a but of sweat building on his forehead as well. He was probably having another nightmare. Luke sighed as he debated on what to do, he knew if he stayed asleep he'd probably wake in a panic, and who knew how the team would react to that, but if he woke him up, he'd be questioned anyway.
Percy finally made the decision for him.
He grunted slightly, before letting out a yell as he rolled himself off of Luke's lap. Luke, in an attempt to prevent him from falling, was dragged off the couch, falling face first onto the floor. Percy squeaked, the sound would have been cute had it not been followed by him frantically backing away as he shoved Luke off of him. His back hit the arm chair, Tony looking down, frazzled by the sudden movement.
Percy sat there, frozen as he panted. He stared at Luke with wide eyes, more looking forwards in his direction, and Luke couldn't tell if it was from the nightmare or what had just occurred.
"Are you ok?" Percy tilted his head back to look up at Tony, who was looking at him with a surprised and concerned face, Percy could hear the concerned tone, though. The man clearly didn't know what to do.
Percy looked at Luke as he answered, eyes wide, "Uh, yeah, yeah. I'm good. Sorry." He wiped his eyes, getting rid of the tears that had formed.
Percy got up off the floor and fled the room, leaving Luke to the stares of everyone else. Luke got up with a sigh, following the fleeing demigod.
The team looked at each other, all of them confused.
Tony finally stood, "I'll be right back." He walked out, towards the other two.
When in their room, Percy finally sighed, scrubbing a hand down his face, "Fuck."
"Hey, it's alright, you couldn't help it."
Luke put a hand on Percy's shoulder, who turned around, tears in his eyes once again. Luke hugged him, tucking Percy's head under his chin, the younger held onto Luke like a lifeline, not crying, but needing the comfort all the same.
A knock on the door broke the peaceful silence of the room. A voice called in, "Hey, it's Tony. Look, I know you two are hiding something, I think we all do at this point, but it isn't any of our business. I'm sorry, just, yeah." Tony's sigh was audible through the door, "Look, just, feel better, hope you're ok."
The two demigods looked at each other, surprised. They thought they were going to be interrogated, not that. Well, at least they could have a bit of peace.


Hades sighed at the idiotic gods before him, they were arguing, again, and he honestly didn't even know what about. Hestia seemed to share the sentiment as she looked at him as well.
"Alright, all this fighting is getting us nowhere. I get it, all of you want to see them, but that didn't even go very well last time, now did it?" Hades sounded bored, but he was just as frustrated as them, he's just better at hiding it.
"Well then what are we supposed to do? Every plan we've made is shot down, and we really don't have another option." Poseidon flopped down into his seat, rubbing a hand down his face, that seemed to be the theme of tonight.
"What if we send another demigod to talk to them?"
Ares scoffed at Demeter's question, "yeah and that'll go well."
"Demeter has a point, the kids don't truly know what happened." Hades spoke up.
Hestia looked up, she sighed as she walked to the table, speaking up for the first time this meeting, "The kids don't know anything about this, actually." She looked down at the table, "They think they're dead."
Silence reigned within the room.


Alright, I finally wrote a chapter. Sorry for the long wait, I didn't really know where to go with this and kinda forgot about it, but then I got a comment and was like "oh, I should write" so I did. But, I cannot promise very frequent updates, I'm starting school soon (early college, I'm super excited), and I also have a job now.
A few things about the story, I have no clue where this is going, y'all can comment what you want to see, won't promise anything, but I love y'all's comments anyway. I also do plan to go back and fix all the random mistakes (like when I forget Percy is blind, lol), but yeah, I swear I will update again soon tho.
Anyway, thanks for reading, pls leave some comments, I love hearing y'all's thoughts, and stay safe!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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