Chapter 11

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A/N: Hey, Y'all! Know it's been a while, but I finally have something! I hope you enjoy and dw, this chapter is not changed from the plot just for christmas, lol. Enjoy my lovely readers!

"I knew it!"  Matt slammed the door open, startling Peter so much he flew back in his chair, crashing to the floor.
"I knew they were bad news, what did I tell you?" Matt glared at the wall while walking a hole into the floor. Peter rolled his eyes while standing up from the floor, fixing his chair, "what the hell are going on about?"
Matt paused his pacing, turning towards Peter's direction, "The new guys, I knew they weren't right, something is going on." Peter furrowed his brows, plotting a confused look towards his boyfriend, "Why are you so sure about that, didn't we already establish that there was nothing going on with them?"

"Yeah well, that was before I heard them talking to some stranger in the living area, who, mind you, disappeared right before I actually walked in."

"So you didn't actually see shit." Peter stated with a sly smirk on his face.
Matt shot a bland look at his boyfriend, "I don't 'see shit' no matter what is going on, but I did hear it. I'm telling you, it was weird, they were talking about exiles and gods and crap like that, I don't know about you but that sure sounds like a cult."
Peter blanched at his boyfriends chaotic logic.
"A cult? Aren't you supposed to be the one that never jumps to conclusions?!? What the hell did these people do to you to make you jump on them being in a cult so fast??" Peter was actually baffled at the conversation. He never thought Matt would judge someone based in SHEILD's files of them. But, well, here they are.
"Listen, I know you don't trust them, you don't have to, but this is getting ridiculous. Just leave them alone, stop trying to accuse them, and move on." Peter plopped his hands on Matt's shoulders, leaning close to his face, "I-" Matt stopped at the sad look on his boyfriend's face, "alright, fine. I'll stop."
Peter's face lit up, he pecked Matt on the lips, walking around him and flopping back in his chair, "Great! Now, if you want, help me with this?"
Matt sighed, walking closer and wrapping his arms around Peter.
He probably should stop, but he knew there was something... off with those two. He would find out, he just had to keep Pete from knowing.

Merry Christmas!!


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