From a certain angle, it would look like he's fucking me missionary. I'm too out of my head to feel much shame. My entire body loves what he's doing with our dicks. 'This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong', a voice at the back of my head says. But all the blood in my brain has rushed downwards and I can't think straight. (Pun very much intended). I open my eyes - fuck, when did I close my eyes again? - and I see J.J. watching me with the same aroused look I have on my face.

Then his eyes fall to my lips. I know what he's about to do.

"J..." I start to say and then he covers my lips with his before I can protest, still rubbing our dicks together. The kiss starts soft and sloppy with JJ licking and biting at my lips. I hesitate for only a moment before kissing back fiercely. And before I know it, JJ 's tongue is in my mouth. I let out a moan and invite him in deeper. His tongue licks mine and they dance effortlessly back and forth between my mouth and his. He's a fucking good kisser. I think to myself. Julia hates to kiss with tongue. She says it's pointless and nasty and all the fun is on the lips. And here's her brother kissing me the way I love to be kissed. 

My dick starts to leak precum and I feel him start to leak onto my belly too. The whole thing is driving me mad, and my arousal increases with each second. J.J's dick knocks out of place, and he reaches down one hand to put it back on top of mine. He seems to have forgotten to pin both my wrists in one so I finally have one hand free. I raise it to his shoulder to push him off. He looks at me; almost daring me to do so, all the while still rubbing his hard, leaky dick on mine. Then my hand moves to the back of his head and pulls him toward me for another kiss. Now that he knows I'm not fighting him anymore, J.J keeps his hand down between us and uses it as a guide, keeping our dicks locked in position, grinding furiously against each other as we kiss heatedly.

The cap of his dick locks with mine and we moan sharply, breaking the kiss. We look intensely at each other, breathing hard. Then we both look down, watching what's happening down there. "Looks delicious." he says, looking at the movement as he rubs himself against me. Then looks back up at me. "I want.", he says.

Before I can ask what he means, he suddenly crawls down my body till he's kneeling on the ottoman at the foot of the bed, then he takes my dick in both hands and starts stroking.

I lose my head. Perfect strokes. Perfect pressure. Every movement on point. I'm going to cum soon if he isn't careful. And as if reading my mind, he stops.

I look at him and he shakes his head. "Not yet."

He places his hands on my inner thighs, rubbing softly. This keeps my erection from going down while I come down from the intense climax I was about to have.

Now is the perfect time to stop this madness. Just get up and leave. Before I can will myself to do anything, I open my eyes – (fuck! why do I keep closing my eyes?? I shouldn't make it so obvious that I'm loving this) - I open my eyes and he's kissing my inner thighs. From the outer part working inwards towards my leaking dick. More precum comes gushing out. At this point, I'd probably fill a cup. When he's kissing one thigh, he's rubbing the other with his palm. He keeps kissing my thighs - soft light kisses; too light, too soft - going closer and closer to my dick and balls without touching them. It's driving me nuts. He looks up at me and smiles. He's doing it on purpose. I shoot him a mildly angry look and he only smiles deeper. Then, without warning, he takes my dick and licks the head. I hiss like a snake at how sweet and sudden it is. "Fuck." I moan loudly. He licks it again. Softly. Too softly. Like a child licking a lollipop. "Ah shit!" I close my eyes and throw my head back. Then, suddenly he covers the entire cap with his mouth and before I can moan again from that one, he fucking SWALLOWS the whole thing into his mouth. All 8 inches of thick dick. My eyes snap open and look down and I almost cum at the sight of him with my whole dick stuffed in his soft pink mouth, as his light brown eyes look up at me. "Arrgh!" I moan.

He starts to move his head back and forth, working his tongue like crazy, licking the underside of my dick when he's fully in and sucking on the cap when he pulls back up - all in one fluid, flawless motion. This is obviously not his first dick suck. The guy is fucking good. He pulls my dick out of his mouth and runs his lips and tongue down the back and side of it, taking my balls into his mouth every time he touches the base. I nearly cum.

But then I decide I want to take some control of the situation. I sit up and pull him off my dick. Then I spin him around and sit him on the ottoman he's kneeling on and lean him back, his head resting over the bottom of the bed. Then I straddle his face, standing with each leg on both sides of him. My dick points at his mouth and he knows what to do. He smiles up at me - that fucking smile - then he says "Pillow.", reaching his hand backwards. 

So, I reach forward and pass him one of the pillows on the bed. He places the pillow behind him, creating a comfortable barrier against the wood of the bed. Then he settles back down. But first he starts to make some weird movements with his mouth and then he looks up at me - right in the eye - and opens his mouth. As soon as my dick touches his mouth, I know what he had been doing – creating heat and extra spit. 

I let out a long moan as my hard dick lands in his hot, slippery mouth. His tongue stretches out over his lower teeth to block them from hurting me and create a soft landing for me. My dick instantly goes crazy, jacking madly back and forth on its own, fucking J.J.'s mouth like a whore. My dick slides back and forth on his tongue hitting the back of his throat. It feels so fucking good. Just when I think it can't feel any better, he points the tip of his tongue and tilts it upward so every time I hit the back of his throat, the tip of his tongue tickles the front of my balls.

And I think I might go mad from how good it feels.

He alternates between closing his mouth around my dick to make it feel like a pussy and just hanging his tongue out so I can just ride it to the back of his throat. I have never had a blow job this good before. So perfect. It's like he's reading my mind and I don't even know I want any of what he's doing. But as soon as he does it, it feels perfect. I go crazy and start to go faster. I grab his head and start to fuck his throat like a maniac, and he doesn't even flinch. He just sits there and lets me use his mouth, moaning softly. I look behind me and I see him stroking his dick, leaking pre like crazy. The sight of it goes straight to my dick and I start to fuck his face at an insane speed. And then he starts to move the back of his throat. That thing you do when your throat itches. It creates a vibrating sensation and makes his tongue move in snakelike movements on the bottom of my dick. That's enough to push me over the edge.

Five seconds after, I feel the biggest load of my life about to shoot. I try to pull out and suddenly, JJ reaches up and grabs my ass, holding me in place, my dick pointing directly at his throat. I cum like I've never cum before. Waves and waves of pleasure wash over me as I pour buckets of jizz down his throat, and he swallows every drop. He pulls me back out and stops when the tip of my dick is at the front of his mouth. Then he pokes the tip of his tongue inside my dick slit and licks up the rest of the cum there.


I almost have a second orgasm. Just then, I see his face contort and he moans out his own climax. I feel a wetness on my ass, and I realize he just shot his load upwards and some of it has gotten on me. I step back and to my surprise I don't immediately wipe it off. JJ gets up and pulls his shorts back on as I lean against the wall, wondering what the fuck just happened and why I don't feel as guilty and disgusted as I should.

And then JJ steps forward and leans towards me, stopping inches away from my face. I think he's going to kiss me again and I'm struggling with whether I want that right now. But instead, he wipes the corner of his mouth with his thumb, looks at me and says, "Thanks for dinner." His signature smirk splayed on his face, he turns and walks towards my bedroom door. As he walks out, in the middle of my freak out and absolute confusion about what the fuck just happened, I realize...

... I'm looking at his ass.


Hi guys, I'm a newbie on Wattpad and I loooove feedback. Please tell me what you think and if you enjoyed it. There's more to the story. If you like this one, I'll post the rest of it and maybe even continue the series beyond what I've written if it gets enough reads.

Please drop your likes and comments and save me to your reading lists. ^^

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