chapter iv - impuissant

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     The Holy Empire of Sanbreque was already on the palace's doorsteps by the time you finished getting dressed in the most fanciest of silk dresses you owned; and unsurprisingly your father greeted them with open arms. You watched in mild disgust as your father bowed to his knees to the Emperor acting as if the man was Greagor himself. It was strange to see your father act so pitifully, your senses were on high alert. Were the Imperials here to declare war on the Dominion for you being a Dominant? Perhaps they'd execute right here and now.

      You shifted uncomfortably as your heel strap dug into the soft skin of your heel; Hands balled nervously at the fabric of your pale blue dress. Every time you swallowed the pearls around your neck tightened-it was suffocating. "Come _______ my dear." Your father stood to his feet motioning you over but you didn't move; you were weirded out by what was happening. It was only when Tatiana pushed you forward when you took your first steps towards the Emperor and your father.

     You bowed half heartedly at the Emperor feeling your mother's intense gaze from behind you. When you lifted your head there stood beside the Emperor was face you were familiar with, Prince Dion. He looked as uncomfortable as you were and he quickly avoided your gaze. Strange...he was normally so friendly to you at least the few times you had met. Which only alerted you even more to what was happening. It was then when you saw her. Lady Annabella standing beside Emperor Sylvestre you jumped in surprise. Her ocean blue eyes were as cold as ice they weren't warm and inviting like Joshua's. But her smile was warm it didn't match her eyes.

     "Emperor Sylvestre you have met my lovely daughter a few times, yes. She has blessed us; she awoke as the Dominant Leviathan and she is ready to serve the Empire to the best of her abilities." Your father said a wide smile on his aging face. His words slammed into you like a brick wall. What did he mean?

     "Huh?" You gasped eyes wide. Emperor Sylvestre turned to look at you smiling, "My dear you look as beautiful as always. I am pleased that you are eager to serve Sanbreque and her people. Here Dion come greet your future bride." He said pushing Dion forward. Bride? No marriage was something you promised Joshua! Dion wasn't even your best friend..hell he was barely a friend. You stumbled backward but before you fell to the ground a strong hand grasped yours catching you. Dion quickly let go of your hand the moment you regained balance and looked at you. His posture was stiff. "My..lady." He greeted shyly only glancing at you for but a moment. Everything about him radiated uncomfortableness, perhaps he was just as unhappy with this news as you were.

     "Dion is nervous please forgive him Lady _______ but he'll he'll mentor you as you gain control over Leviathan." Sylvestre said ignoring the awkwardness that grew between you and the young Prince. "Ah well Lord Angelo come let's finish discussing what we must. Dion come also so you can experience a real diplomatic meeting." He said walking off with your father without another word Annabella in tow. Just as you and Dion broke each other's gaze you noticed him  mouth a sympathetic 'I'm sorry'.

     Your world was spinning, vision blurred as you tried to comprehend what was happening. Then it was your mother who broke you out of your downward spiral, "_______ I'm sor-" but before she could anymore you turned towards her pushing her. "You sold me off? Like some bearer?!" You yelled. "Lady _______ please not here." Tatiana spoke up shushing you and quickly ushering you and your mother somewhere private.

      You stood in the empty archive room with your mother and Tatiana. "Well did you?!" You shouted once again breaking the silence.

     Your mother frowned brushing her hair out of her face, "_______ we didn't sell you off. It was for your own good and also for the sake of Dominion. You should feel honored to be wedded to Prince Dion and serve the Holy Empire." She said anger rising in her voice. The audacity of your mother to be angry at you for your reaction only set you over even more. "What about my sake?! Joshua and I promised one another we'd get married. I can't marry Dion and live in the Empire..." your voice lowered as you began to sniffle. It just wasn't fair.

     Sighing your mother turned to Titania the woman who raised you from birth, "Perhaps you can explain it better then I can Titania." She said. Nodding the maid embraced you, "My dear ______, they would of taken you forcefully if not for your father agreeing to their terms. The Crystalline Dominion is neutral we ain't allowed to have a Dominant. The Prince and the Emperor will take good care of you. And it's not like we're never gonna be allowed to see you again, we'll visit I promise. Joshua would understand that you had to break your little promise." She explained gently her voice was soothing your anger. Pulling away from her you stared into her dark orbs with your pale eyes,

     "Will you be coming with me Tatiana?" You asked hesitantly already knowing her answer.

     "No I'm sorry my dear I can't." She replied sadly her voice breaking.

     Of course she couldn't come with you...after all she had her own family to look after here in the Dominion.


     The young blond prince shifted uncomfortably as he gazed into your grey eyes. Clearing his throat he broke the silence that had fallen between you the moment you departed from Twinside. "I apologize Lady ______. I understand this isn't the must desirable situation for either of us." He apologized quietly. You frowned nodding in agreement, "I'm assuming you'd rather not be married off also, huh Prince?" You retorted every word coming out like venom.

     He nodded, "Y..yes. I also found out on the way that we were getting married." He sounded so kind and gentle but yet you couldn't help but take your anger out on him despite knowing he was just as much of victim in this situation like you. They shoved you two into the same carriage and expected you two to get along and happily accepted your marriage. You had only met the Prince a handful of times how could you want to marry him?

     You clicked your tongue in annoyance as you returned your gaze back outside the carriage window. "Hmph." Silence passed between you two once again. The tension could be sliced with a long sword. "Just so you know I have no desire to be lovey dovey with you nor be bestest of friends with you either." You began, "Joshua and I made a promise to marry one another but of course as you are well aware your witch of a step mother betrayed her own brethren or so the rumors go." You spat.

      Dion sighed, "Please Lady _______, I  no desire to replace Joshua i understand you two were very close to one another. He often spoke fondly of you." He was speaking so kindly towards despite your aggression towards him it almost made you feel guilty. You slumped in your seat the collar of your dress engulfing your face. "I feel like my parents did not want to deal with my grief so they sold me off the first chance they got...I miss Joshua, Prince Dion." You spoke sadly voice raising an octave as you fought to hold back tears.

     Dion reached over placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, "I promise to protect you Lady _______. After all we're both Dominants and we must look out for one another." He smiled charmingly. Your face heated up and you avoided his amber eyes. For some reason you truly believed him.


     Upon your arrival to Oriflamme, the streets were lined with people celebrating. Perhaps today was some holiday for the Sanbreque people. You thought to yourself. "Prince Dion, what are they celebrating?" You asked sticking your head outside the carriage. Chuckling Dion joined you sticking his head out the carriage also waving at the people, "Our engagement. The people knew before either of us did." He laughed.

     The people loved their Prince you could gather that much from their cries and cheers for him, they hardly cared about your presence. "Leviathan is ours!" One man yelled tears streaming down his face. You felt strange, never once did you hear your name spoken from the Sanbreque people, just Leviathan. They saw you no more than an asset to protect their precious Empire.

     The longer you stared at the celebrations of your engagement you began to grow depressed. You waved and smiled at the people maintaining a happy facade though. Would Joshua and I have been celebrated like this? You wondered. Finally the carriage arrived at the castle, the noise from the celebrations quieting down. Drake's Head stood greeting you as did the ethereal castle that stood on the cliff side. This would be your new home, not as ______ Lannis but as a tool for the Empire.



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